Strengthening The Evidence Of Tin Corruption, The Attorney General's Office Examines Sandra Dewi's Husband's Sister

The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has examined a witness with the initials MM in the case of handling a case of alleged corruption in the tin commodity trading system in the mining business permit (IUP) of PT Timah Tbk in 2015-2022. The witness is the younger brother of the suspect Harvey Moeis.

"The witness being examined has the initials MM as the younger brother of suspect HM," said Head of the AGO, Ketut Sumedana in his statement, Monday, June 3.

However, it was not conveyed in detail what was extracted from Sandra Dewi's sister-in-law. It is only said that the examination was to strengthen the process of proof in the tin corruption case.

"The witness examination was carried out to strengthen the evidence and complete the filing in the case," said Ketut.

Previously, investigators had also examined two sister-in-law of Harvey Moeis with the initials KD and RS.

"(Examining witnesses) KD and RS as the brother-in-law of the suspect HM. For the hospital is the husband of KD," said Ketut.

In handling tin corruption cases, the AGO has named 22 suspects. Apart from Harvey Moeis, one of them is Helena Lim or known as crazy rich, Indak Kapuk Beach (PIK).