Not Just Kaesang Who Did Ghosting. Anies Also Did The Same Thing With His IDR 0 Down Payment Homeownership Project: He Promised It, And Then Disappeared

JAKARTA - Social media activist Denny Siregar once again made a scathing sarcasm at DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan. This is related to the realization of the promised homeownership with IDR 0 Down Payment program.
For more than 3 years as the number one person in DKI Jakarta, Anies only realized a few of his promises during the last DKI Jakarta Regional Head Election (Pilkada) campaign. The homeownership with IDR 0 Down Payment program has just been built in a location in the Pondok Kelapa area, East Jakarta.
Based on data from the DKI Housing Agency as of November 9, 2020, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has only distributed homeownership credit (KPR) with IDR 0 Down Payment to 514 registered residents. In fact, the target number of the program that must be built during Anies' tenure is 232.214 units.
According to Denny, this is an example of real ghosting. "Ghosting is a promise to distribute homeownership credit with IDR 0 Down Payment for the poor, but it turns out that when it is built, only the middle class people can afford to buy it", tweeted Denny at @Dennysiregar7.
With minimal realization, this program also dragged Anies' former subordinates to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The inactive Executive Director of Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya, Yoory C. Pinontoan was scratched by the KPK because he was suspected of being involved in corruption in the purchase of land for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's homeownership with IDR 0 Down Payment program in Munjul, Pondok Rangon Village, Cipayung District, East Jakarta City in 2019.
"He promised it, and then slowly disappears. He was hit by a corruption case too", Denny criticized.
The word ghosting was perched on the top topic of Twitter social media, last Sunday, March 7. Kaesang, Felicia, and Nadya also on the discussion of netizens on this topic.
Reportedly, President Joko Widodo's son, Kaesang Pangarep, broke off his relationship with Felicia Tissue. It is suspected that Kaesang was in a relationship with someone named Nadya Arifta.
From this problem, many netizens think that Kaesang is ghosting Felicia. What does ghosting actually mean? Let's see the review about it from VOI editorial team.
Ghosting is in English, with the root word ghost which means shadow or setan (ghost) in Indonesian. Young people today often use the term ghosting in the context of relationships.
That is, people who are ghosting are people who suddenly disappear or walk away without notifying or contacting someone who they are with.
There are a number of reasons people do ghosting in a relationship. It could be that they no longer want to have a relationship, feel bored, don't want to be disturbed, and even have new mates.
Meanwhile, people who receive ghosting usually feel confused, anxious, and even heartbroken. Because, they do not know the reason for a person who is in a relationship, suddenly disappearing without knowing the cause.