Not Giving Privileges, PKB Still Requires Anies To Participate In The Selection If He Wants To Be Carried In The DKI Gubernatorial Election

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Regional Head Election of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Abdul Halim Iskandar emphasized that Anies Baswedan still had to follow the selection process if he wanted to be promoted by PKB in the DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election in the 2024 Pilkada.

The former governor of DKI Jakarta, said Halim, needed to meet administrative requirements, to take part in the fit and proper test (UKK) as a candidate for regional head from PKB such as other registrants.

"Everyone has to go through the UKK stage, but the SMEs are all kinds of things. UKK is not only carried out at the DPP, it could be the Deputy Chairperson (Vice Chairperson of PKB), because the level of governor that we mandated to hold the discussion is Deputy Chairman," said Halim at the PKB DPP office, Central Jakarta, Monday, June 3.

In the UKK process, candidates for regional heads (brachachada) are asked to convey their vision and mission regarding the development of their respective regions.

Bacakada must also convey the winning strategy that will be taken to win the Pilkada contestation. Anies needs to go through this selection process if he wants to be promoted by PKB.

"The important thing is the substance that is discussed. It is impossible for us to carry someone in the area when the person we are going to carry does not understand the area. This will not support development, this will plunge the community," explained Halim.

On the one hand, PKB plans to meet Anies specifically to discuss this. The Central Executive Board (DPP) instructed the DKI Jakarta PKB Regional Leadership Council (DPW) to communicate with Anies.

"At the DPW level, we do an in-depth study, regarding data, opportunities, various things. Later we will discuss and cone it, then it will go up at the Pilkada desk level. Of course, the last decision is on the DPP plenary session," he explained.

Previously, PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) welcomed Anies if he wanted to run again as a candidate for governor of Jakarta. However, he said, PKB will still discuss internally about the candidates to be promoted in the regional elections.

"Yes, if I personally am very happy if Anies is carried it will indeed be part of togetherness so far. But we will wait for the pilkada desk process which will discuss with all levels of DPW, DPC," explained Cak Imin.

The deputy chairman of the DPR revealed that there had been no discussion at the PKB regarding the recommendation for Anies to run for the Jakarta Pilkada.