Fugitive Case Of Murder In Sukabumi Arrested By Police, Revenge After Motorcycle Collision

Sukabumi City Police, West Java, arrested a young man with the initials SB (24), an alleged perpetrator of the persecution until the victim died, after being a fugitive for almost a year.

"The suspect who was the main perpetrator in the murder of a trader at Cisaat Market, precisely on Jalan Raya Kadudampit, Sukanamanh Village, Cisaat District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, on July 15, 2023, was arrested at a boarding house in West Jakarta on Sunday (2/6)," said Sukabumi City Police Chief AKBP Ari Setyawan Wibowo as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 3.

According to Ari, during the escape, SB often moved from place to place, such as to the Pajampangan area, Sukabumi Regency, and several locations in Jakarta.

The day before being arrested at a boarding house on Saturday (1/6), the suspect was identified as in the Tanah Abang area, Central Jakarta.

However, the alleged perpetrator of the murder of P (56) a year ago fled from the pursuit of the Sukabumi City Police Satreskrim Resmob Team. Thanks to the hard work of the team in the field, SB was finally arrested at his hiding place.

To arrest a suspect who is also a recidivist in a violent theft case in 2019, the Sukabumi City Police Satreksrim took almost a year because SB often moved and was known to be slippery.

"In fact, when he was about to be arrested, the suspect had fought back against the officers, so a measured decisive action had to be taken, namely to paralyze this young man by being rewarded with hot lead on his right calf by officers who made arrests," he added.

The police chief said that in the case of abuse that resulted in the death of the victim, there were two suspected perpetrators, the other perpetrator with the initials A (26) who were arrested a few days after the incident and had been sentenced to eight years in prison by the panel of judges at the Sukabumi City District Court.

Until now, SB is still being questioned by investigators from the Sukabumi City Police Satreskrim to reveal the motive for the perpetrators of being desperate to kill a trader who used to sell at Cisaat Market.

The statement conveyed by the suspect to investigators was that the stabbing carried out by SB was because he was offended by the victim when the motorcycle used by the suspect collided with the victim's motorbike. At the time of the incident, there was a verbal altercation between the two, but it was dispersed by residents.

Holding grudges against the victim, SB and A finally came back to Cisaat Market to look for victims. While the victim was selling his merchandise, SB stabbed his sharp weapon into the victim's body several times until he died.

Suspect SB was charged with multiple articles, namely Article 2 paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 concerning the Abuse of Sharp Weapons, Article 170 paragraph (2) of the third Criminal Code concerning beatings that resulted in death, and Article 351 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code concerning persecution that resulted in death.