Police Hunt For 'Icha Shakila' FB Account Users Who Threatened And Ordered Mother To Abuse Her Biological Child
JAKARTA - The police are investigating the user of Icha Shakila's Facebook account regarding the sexual harassment case of a minor by his biological mother with the initials R in South Tangerang. The investigation was carried out because the confession of the act appeared based on threats.
"Yes, we are currently investigating (user of Icha Shakila's Facebook account)," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Monday, June 3.
Pengakuan adanya acaman itu terungkap dalam pemeriksaan terhadap RH. Kepada penyidik disampaikan, ancaman itu berupa penyebaran foto-foto tanpa pakai dari tersangka.
"Suspect R was asked to make a video with the style and scenario of the owner of the Facebook account Icha Shakila with the threat that if he did not make the video requested by the Facebook account, the photo without clothes belonging to the suspect that had been sent would be distributed," he said.
The nude photo was obtained by Icha Shakila's account user from the suspect. Because, at that time he was lured, he would be given money if he followed his request.
"The owner of the Facebook account Icha Shakila (DPO) persuaded the suspect to send a photo without clothes with the lure of sending some money," said Ade.
The mother with the initials R, who went viral for molesting her biological child in South Tangerang, has been arrested. Now, the woman has also been named a suspect.