June 3 Is The 542nd Anniversary Of Bogor, Carrying The Theme Of Citizen Welfare

BOGOR - In the celebration of the 542nd Bogor Anniversary (HJB) of the City Government (Pemkot) of Bogor, West Java, carries the theme raharja wiwe rancage which means that the welfare of citizens can be generated from every development program and efforts towards better service.

Acting (Pj) Bogor Mayor Hery Antasari said that the area he leads has now undergone many changes, both infrastructure and the dynamics of the community.

"The spirit of gotong royong, guyub, and collaboration from all elements of society makes development run well and we all just have to continue. This is in accordance with the theme of HJB raharja aging," explained Hery in his statement, Sunday, June 2.

According to Hery, this condition should be grateful because the peak of HJB today is celebrated with the spirit of collaboration and togetherness.

"The diversity of ethnicity and culture that has developed for a long time has provided a beautiful combination of colors for the city of Bogor. Because so far the residents of Bogor City consist of various ethnic groups have been able to live side by side peacefully," he said.

The cultural event at the 542nd HJB celebration was enlivened by various parades of traditional Nusantara clothing and processions from six sub-districts and 68 sub-districts.

"This anniversary should not only be ceremonial. But it must also be felt by all levels of society," said Hery.

Chairman of the 542nd HJB Committee Eko Prabowo conveyed the theme carried out in this year's HJB is a manifestation of the spirit of the Bogor City Government. Mainly in endeavoring the welfare of its citizens.

"The Bogor City Government continues to strive to prosper all residents of Bogor City through various programs that have been sustainable from the past until now," said Eko.

Bogor City celebrates its 542nd anniversary on June 3, 2024. In addition to the event which peaked today's event, there was a series of other events held by the Bogor City Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda).