Rehabilitation Of Children Perpetrators Of Violence Must Be Completed, This Is The Goal

JAKARTA - Deputy for Child Special Protection of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) Nahar said, coaching and rehabilitation of children who are perpetrators of violence must be carried out completely.

This is because they do not repeat their actions in the future.

"Children who are in conflict with the law or who commit violence should be properly nurtured and rehabilitated by the competent authorities, so that their behavior can be restored and do not repeat their actions in the future," said Nahar, quoted from ANTARA, Sunday, June 2.

This was said by Nahar in response to the case of child abuse in Batu City, East Java, which resulted in the death of the victim.

His party expressed deep condolences and concern over the incident of violence against this child.

"KemenPPPA expresses deep sorrow and concern over the incident of a child being a victim of violence by a friend to death in Batu City," said Nahar.

KemenPPPA asked the police to continue to process this case legally.

"We hope that this case will continue to be processed legally and followed up in accordance with applicable laws and regulations," he said.

In handling this case, the Batu City Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (DP3A) and the Integrated Service Center for Women and Children Empowerment (P2TP2A) have accompanied them since child victims were hospitalized, autopsy, and funeral.

Previously, a video circulated on social media showing violence against RK (12), a junior high school student in Batu City, East Java.

RK was persecuted by a number of his friends with the initials AS (13), MI (15), KA (13), MA (13), and KB (13).

This case began when one of the child perpetrators was offended by the victim because he was asked to print school assignments at night.

As a result of being offended by the victim's request, the perpetrator of the child with the initials MA invited a number of other children to abuse the victim. The beating was carried out on Wednesday, May 29.

On Friday, May 31, the victim complained of pain in the back of the head and nausea to his parents.

Then, at 07.00 WIB, the victim's parents took RK to the Hasta Brata Hospital, Batu City, then the victim was declared dead at 10.00 WIB.

The perpetrators of children are school friends and friends play the victim.