Solo Embarkation Hajj Candidate Dies In The Holy Land Increases By Two People

JAKARTA The number of hajj candidates from Central Java who died in the Holy Land has increased by two people. So that a total of eight people died in the Holy Land, and two others at the Solo Embarkation, said Head of Public Relations of the PPIH Embarkation Solo Gentur Rahma Indriadi, at the Haji Donohudan Boyolali Dormitory, ANTARA, Sunday, June 2.

The two prospective hajj pilgrims from Central Java who died in the Holy Land are on behalf of Kustiyah Dulah Anwar (84) from Kebumen Regency who are members of batch 20. Died at the Saudi National Makkah Hospital Saudi Arabia, on May 30, 2024 and their bodies were buried in Soraya Makkah.

In addition, Sarbin Djiwatiana (80), from Purbalingga Regency, was reported to have died of illness at King Faisal Makkah Hospital, Saudi Arabia, on May 31, 2024 due to illness. His body was buried in Soraya Makkah. Thus, the total number of worshipers died in the Holy Land to eight people and two people in the country.

Nevertheless, his party hopes that after receiving information on the progress of the prospective pilgrims who have arrived in the Holy Land, they will always maintain their health and fitness and consume food according to the time they get three rations a day.

"The congregation to always maintain fitness doing gymnastics or walking in the morning and drinking lots of water, due to weather conditions in Saudi Arabia, with a hot temperature of about 40 to 42 degrees Celsius is very extreme," he said.

He hopes that the congregation will drink lots of water and when they have to go out, they must be able to condition according to their abilities and not force them. Pilgrims can focus on the peak of the Muzdalifah, Arrophah, and Mina hajj.

Meanwhile, PPIH Embarkation Solo, this Sunday, is scheduled to send JCH two flying groups to the Holy Land, via Adi Soemarmo Airport in Boyolali, Central Java.

The two Solo embarkation groups, namely group 78 from Pati, Central Java, have been flown to the Holy Land, via Adi Soemarmo Airport, at 05:50 WIB, then the 79th batch from Pati Central Java will be continued, which is scheduled to leave for the Holy Land, at 22:25 WIB.

The number of prospective pilgrims from Solo Embarkation who have been dispatched to the Holy Land as of this Sunday is 78 groups with 28,068 people, while pilgrims who are pilgrims (JCH) who enter the Hajj Dormitory Donohudan Boyolali, reach 82 groups or a total of 29,536 people.

"There are five prospective pilgrims who are sick in the country, namely at Dr. Moewardi Hospital Solo there are four people and at Drs H. Amri Tambunan Hospital in North Sumatra, one person," he said. Reporter: Bambang Dwi Marwoto