Three Crew Members Drowned In Java Sea Waters After Being Hit By Waves While Looking For Fish

JAKARTA - The KM Bintan Jaya 10 ship had an accident due to a big wave impact and sank in the waters of Karang Suji in the sea waters of Java, South Bangka Regency.

The incident occurred when a ship with 4 crew members (ABK) was looking for fish from Mentok Fishing Port to the Java Sea Water Fishing Ground in Karang Suji. The ship was hit by a big wave while in the Karang Suji waters of the Fishing Ground area, South Bangka.

One of the crew members who survived was identified as Andong. He was rescued by another fisherman who passed by the location during the moments of the sinking of the ship.

The ship that rescued the crew named Andong informed another fishing boat around the location.

Then KM Emperor immediately headed to the side to contact the ship owner that KM Bintan Jaya 10 sank in a wave. The ship's owner reported the incident to Kansar Pangkalpinang to request SAR assistance.

Meanwhile, the three crew members of the other KM Bintan Jaya 10 ship disappeared along with the ship that sank by the waves.

The Pangkalpinang Search and Rescue Office, which received information on the incident, immediately headed to the scene for the evacuation process. 1 team to rescue the Toboali SAR Alert Unit was dispatched to the scene.

Arriving at the Fisherman's Pier, the Joint SAR Team from the Toboali SAR Alert Unit Rescuer, Polairud Basel, Indonesian Navy and ABK KM Emperor immediately searched for the victims who were suspected of being swept away by the waves at the Coordinator of 3° 30,000'S 106 deg 44,000'E.

"The search for deploying 1 Rigid Buyancy Boat (RBB) belonging to the Basarnas and assisted by two fishing boats who were also looking for the victims," said Head of Pangkalpinang Kansar, I Made Oka Astawa when confirmed, Sunday, June 2.

Furthermore, I Made Oka said, the incident happened to fishermen from mentok who went to look for fishing ground, Karang Suji waters in the Java Sea.

"Search efforts will continue to be pursued until the three crew victims who are suspected of being swept away can be found. Hopefully, the joint sar team's efforts can produce good results and the crew can be found soon," he said.