Sukabumi District Education Office Asked To Evaluate Performance Of Post-Employment Students After The Persecution Incident In Cibodas

JAKARTA - The Regional House of Representatives of Sukabumi Regency, West Java, highlighted the alleged case of a teacher molesting a class V student that occurred at an elementary school in Cibodas Village, Palabuhanratu District, Sukabumi Regency.

"We must respond to this incident wisely and cannot judge on our own to determine who is right or wrong. Of course, this act of violence occurred because there was a trigger, so it must be seen from two sides," said Sukabumi Regency DPRD Commission IV Member Usep Wawan, ANTARA, Sunday, June 2.

According to Usep, the occurrence of this case of abuse must also be seen from the causes and consequences, whether the occurrence of violence was purely due to the actions of these unscrupulous teachers or triggered by delinquency from students who were victims of persecution.

It is possible that the anger of the teacher who teaches physical sports and health education (PJOK) peaks due to the student's actions or maybe what the child is doing is beyond ethics.

However, his party also did not justify what the teacher did to his students. Where the information he received, the teacher grabbed until he strangled his students' neck and bleeding.

"What these unscrupulous teachers do is wrong because they should not commit violence against their own students, let alone do it in the school environment, but we cannot arbitrarily blame them but must be fair in responding to this problem," he said.

He hopes that this case will not enter the realm of law and can be resolved amicably. In addition, this incident must be a lesson for teachers where they must always be able to contain emotions, especially elementary school teachers where students are still at play age who of course in educating must be full of patience.

Performance evaluation for educators in Sukabumi Regency must be carried out routinely by both the Sukabumi Regency Education Office and the school where the teacher is taught.