LaNyalla Quoted Jokowi's Speech In Riau: 'Indeed, Who Else Besides The Chairman'

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPD RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti received the blessing of President Jokowi to run again as Chairman of the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2024-2029 term of service.

The blessing from the number 1 person in Indonesia was conveyed when the two attended the Pancasila Birthday Commemoration Ceremony at Garuda Square, Pertamina Complex Blok Hulu Rokan, Dumai City, Riau Province, Saturday, June 1.

According to LaNyalla, he directly told President Jokowi to ask for his blessing on plans to run again as Chairman of the DPD RI. The President's answer, according to LaNyalla, was very straightforward and gave full support.

"As ethics and ethnicity, I convey directly to President Jokowi, a request for blessing regarding my plan to run again as Chairman of the DPD RI for the next period. The President answered very clearly, 'Indeed, who else is besides the Chairman'. For me the answer is blessing and support, "said LaNyalla.

Of course, Jokowi's blessing adds to LaNyalla's enthusiasm to strengthen the DPD RI in fighting for regional interests.

"The green light from the President, of course, adds to my enthusiasm and strength, and other members of the DPD RI to work even harder to answer regional problems," he said.

In the Pancasila Harlah ceremony with the theme "Pancasila Jiwa Unifying the Nation Towards Indonesia Gold 2045", Chairman of DPD RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti was asked to read the script for the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution.

President Jokowi became Inspector of Ceremonies, while the Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Bambang Soesatyo was lined up as a reader of the Pancasila text. The reading of prayers by the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Muhajir Effendi. Acting as Ceremony Commander, Dirreskrimum Polda Jambi Kombes Pol Andri Ananta Yudistira.

In his speech, Jokowi said that the Indonesian people were grateful to have Pancasila so that it was still strong, stable, united and able to grow its economy even in the midst of conditions full of uncertainty.

The world is hit by various crises, geopolitics full of rivalry. But we are always optimistic because Pancasila guides the direction of the nation. We also have strong social and cultural capital. Have superior human resources and abundant natural resources," he said.