Nadhif Basalamah Celebrates Birthday Through A Single Titled Something
JAKARTA - Nadhif Basalamah celebrated his birthday on May 30 yesterday. At the same time, the 24-year-old singer and songwriter introduced his new single entitled Something'.
This song is considered to present another side of Nadhif who is getting older, as well as a series towards his first full album which is planned to be released next June.
As a sign of Nadhif's maturity in the musical process. Nadhif gave a different musical color from the previous release. Instead, he showed another side that had never been shown to the listeners.
Unlike previous releases that were close to acoustic elements, this time Nadhif gave a combination of dominant drums and electric music.
Through 'Something', Nadhif wants to share his maturation process in responding to situations that are less pleasing to his heart, how often there is a conflict between the voice of the heart and the reality faced.
"The new one from this single may be more of a straightforward writing style and I'm not used to it. At that time I only wanted to have one more banded song, until one day I wrote this song on the Ubud toilet, and it became this song," said Naddif Basalamah in a written statement, Friday, May 31.
Nadhif also returned to collaboration with Petra Sihombing as a producer and guitar filler with Marco Hafiedz.
Petra's selection as a producer is as simple as he has extraordinary magical power when working on music and other people's works. That's really cool. Petra helps me to apply a lot of things that I have in my head into this work," said Nadhif.
Apart from Petra and Marco, Nadhif also collaborated with other musicians, such as Enrico Octaviano as a drummer, and Gamaliél as a vocal director.