Defense Minister Prabowo Considers Britain An Important Defense Partner Of The Republic Of Indonesia


Therefore, when receiving a visit from the British Chief of Defense Staff, Admiral Antony David Radakin, explored opportunities to expand defense cooperation between the two countries.

"I consider Britain as a close relative and an important partner for Indonesia, especially in the defense sector," Defense Minister Prabowo told Ramadakin as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 30.

In Prabowo's office, the two discussed for more than 2 hours. Prabowo alluded to increasing cooperation in the defense industry.

Prabowo said that Indonesia wants to form a modern and independent defense industry through the cooperation of all countries, including the UK.

Meanwhile, Britain's Chief of Defense Staff the same position as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces also discussed various mutually beneficial cooperations for the two countries, and the potential for cooperation that can be carried out in the future.

At the end of the meeting, the two of them exchanged souvenirs. Prabowo gave a traditional Indonesian weapon to Radakin.