Hashim Djojohadikusumo Interested In Investment In KHE's Kayan Hydropower Plant

BULUNGAN - Entrepreneur and younger brother of the elected president Prabowo Subianto, Hashim Djojohadikusumo, expressed interest in investing in the development of the Kayan Cascade Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) in Bulungan, North Kalimantan (Kaltara).

This was conveyed directly by Hashim while reviewing the hydropower project mega with an investment value of around 17.8 billion US dollars, on Thursday, May 30.

"That's right (will invest in the Kayan hydropower plant). I have been interested in investing in renewable energy for a long time, for example in East Kalimantan, I have a biofuel project," he said.

Hashim admitted that he had reported the investment plan to Prabowo.

According to him, Prabowo has approved his plan to be included in the so-called largest hydropower project in Southeast Asia.

"Ada saya sudah laporkan, dia (Prabowo) setuju. Ini, kan, investasi," ujarnya.

It is known, Hashim came by helicopter at around 11.00 WITA.

He was accompanied by the owner of PT KHE Tjandra Limanjaya, Ario Djojohadikusumo, North Kalimantan Governor Zainal A Paliwang and Gerindra politician M Iriawan alias Iwan Bule.

The Kayan Cascade hydropower plant will utilize areas along the Kayan River in Peso District, Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan (Kaltara).

Consisting of five dams with 5 to 6 units of generating turbines in each dam.

Later, this hydropower plant will produce clean electricity with a total of 9,000 Megawatts (MW).

The plan is that this project will attract investment of up to 17.8 billion US dollars or around Rp277.2 trillion.