Facilitating Dealer Financing, NETA Cooperates With PermataBank

JAKARTA - PT NETA Auto Indonesia (NETA) as the electric car distributor in Indonesia officially signed a cooperation agreement with PermataBank as a banking partner for the financing facility of Indonesian NETA dealers. With the signing of this agreement, NETA gained support for the expansion and growth of the NETA business in Indonesia. Managing Director of NETA Auto Indonesia Jerry Huang, stated that this collaboration with Permata Bank is expected to support and improve the quality of NETA in order to provide the best service to consumers. "As part of the rapid development of the electric vehicle industry, we are committed to continuing to encourage the adoption of environmentally friendly vehicles and support the Indonesian government's vision," he said, in his official statement, Thursday, May 30. Furthermore, he said, through collaboration with PermataBank in financing facilities to dealers, we are trying to make a positive contribution in transformation towards sustainable mobility, as well as strengthening the sustainability values in the automotive industry. "We express our gratitude to PermataBank for its cooperation and support for NETA Indonesia.." said Jerry. Support from PermataBank is not only a strategic step for the NETA business expansion, but also reflects the commitment of both parties to strategic steps in supporting the transition of the electric vehicle ecosystem. Later, PermataBank will provide support in terms of dealer financing that will optimize services, as well as innovation of NETA electric cars in the Indonesian market.

On the same occasion, PermataBank Chief of Corporate Banking Evi Hiswanto, said that it is very open to collaborative efforts as well as support for the government's vision and mission. Therefore, this step was taken to support the government to achieve net zero emissions by 2060. A long step, and certainly requires support from various parties, and PermataBank is very proud to be able to take part in this grand plan. Through a collaborative partnership with PT NETA Auto Indonesia, we not only expand the financing facilities for dealers but also strengthen our dedication to sustainable values that emphasize balance between the economy, environment, and social, "said Evi. PermataBank supports the existence of PermataKKB which can facilitate car vehicle financing with a fast and easy submission process. PermataKKB also has a fixed installment gain of up to 5 years, competitive interest rates ranging from 2.91 percent, down payment starting from 15 percent, and provision costs starting at 0 percent. With this, the hope of synergy between PT NETA Auto Indonesia and PermataBank not only strengthens the implementation of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) values in both entities, but also makes a significant contribution to the development of the electricity-based automotive industry in Indonesia because this step is in line with the government's efforts to reduce carbon emissions and encourage environmental sustainability.