Religious Community 4x4 Adventure Holds 3rd Anniversary Party, Brings Hope To Continue Positive Contribution

JAKARTA - The lively atmosphere enveloped Cisarua Green World Adventure (CIGWA) on May 24-26, 2024, when Kagama 4x4 Adventure celebrated its 3rd birthday.

This magnificent event was attended by hundreds of alumni from various directions, ranging from Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, to Bandung, Surabaya, and Riau, who gathered on amazing natural rides at an altitude of 1,100 meters above sea level.

Heri Budiarso, Chairman of Kagama 4x4 Adventure, proudly conveyed how this community has grown into a new family full of harmony and solidarity in more than three years.

"On our journey, we not only found ourselves but also built strong bonds with each other. The 4x4 Adventure religion is not just a group, but a community that is committed to mutual support, both in social activities and in dealing with disasters," Heri said in his official statement, Thursday, May 30.

This event is not only a reunion event, but also a form of gratitude for the cohesiveness and benefit of this community in daily life.

"We hope that in the future, Kagama 4x4 Adventure will continue to make a positive contribution to society and the nation," he added with great enthusiasm.

The series of events began on Friday, May 24, by setting up tents by the participants, followed by Friday prayers at the location. Even though it rained from late afternoon to midnight, the enthusiasm to meet and share remained burning among Gadjah Mada alumni.

As lovers of 4x4 cars, participants did not miss the opportunity to enjoy sunny weather and challenging terrain. They tried off-road trips on nearby tea plantations, with 25 cars following the journey on winding roads and five cars opting for heavier terrain. In fact, off-road trips were temporarily suspended during lunch to enjoy the cool pine forest atmosphere.

The weather was friendly into the evening. After a series of interesting off-road activities, participants returned to the basecamp to continue the team building and children's games. The night was enlivened by various exciting entertainment and music performances.

Not to forget, in this moment of togetherness, Kagama 4x4 Adventure also carried out social service activities by making donations to the Al Quran Darunnashihin Islamic Boarding School and Darul Huffadz Arrahman Islamic Boarding School in Sukaresmi, Megamendung, and Al Futuhat II Islamic Boarding School, Bogor.

"In our three years of travel, Kagama 4x4 Adventure has proven that friendship can grow from the same interest, in this case is love for 4x4 cars and SUVs. This similarity is a strong basis for us to build a solid and beneficial community for a wider environment," said Faried Agung Kuncoro, Secretary General of Religion 4x4 Adventure.

This community is not just a gathering place for Gadjah Mada University alumni from various faculties and generations, but is also a place to establish close social relationships and contribute positively to the community.