Can Kidney Stones Be Destroyed Alone? Find The Answer Here!

YOGYAKARTA Kidney stone disease aka nefrolithiasis is a kidney disorder that often appears in the urinary tract system. This disease is often found in men and women aged 20-40 years. Kidney stones can cause severe pain when the size is getting bigger. So, can kidney stones break itself?

Before answering this question, it's a good idea to know what kidney stone disease is, along with the causes and symptoms that accompany it.

Quoted from AI-Care, kidney stones are a condition where there is a strong deposit resembling a stone in the urinary tract. The hard material is made of minerals, salt, and other chemicals in the kidneys.

The size of kidney stones is usually small, but it can get bigger over time. In some cases, these hard deposits settle in the kidneys and do not cause problems.

Generally, kidney stones begin to cause complaints and severe pain when they get bigger. Kidney stones can drop into the urinary tract and trigger serious disorders.

Some of the kidney stones found in the urinary tract contain different chemicals, such as calcium oxalat, calcium phosphate, cystin, struvit and uric acid.

The cause of kidney stones is not known for certain. However, it is suspected that kidney stones can occur due to a lack of water content in urine. Or, urine contains minerals such as calcium crystals, gout, and phosphates that are more numerous than solvents.

In addition, kidney stones can also be caused by medical conditions, such as:

The above has been mentioned that small kidney stones tend not to cause any pain or symptoms. However, if the size grows, the symptoms of kidney stone disease that may arise can be in the form of:

Adapted from the Pondok Indah Hospital website, about 80 percent of kidney stones can go out alone, but it will take a long time.

Small kidney stones can come out easily with urine currents. Symptoms of kidney stone disease that appear are also temporary.

However, some cases of small kidney stones cannot be destroyed and run out by themselves. If this happens, a treatment called Medical Expulsive Therapy (MET) is needed, for example by taking medicines for the walking class.

Another way that can be done is to consume a dissolving agent for a rock consisting of gout. The oral chemolitalysis is based on the alkalinization of urine with the alkaline image application or sodium bicarbonate. This therapy must be accompanied by the consumption of a lot of water so that the rock becomes destroyed and easily dissolves.

That's information about whether kidney stones can be destroyed by yourself. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.