SYL's Recognition Of Paying Payment Of Administrative Apertement Of Nayunda: I Am A Bugis Makassar Person, As Long As I Can Do It

JAKARTA - Former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL revealed his reasons for helping singer Nayunda Nabila Nizrinah pay apartment installments.

This was done solely to help the dancer in one area of origin, Makassar.

"Finally, the problem is that he wants to take an apartment. Anyone who asks for help from the Makassar Bugis as long as I can definitely do it," said SYL during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, May 29.

In fact, SYL also denied the rumors that formed about him that seemed to have a special relationship with Nayunda.

This NasDem politician emphasized that his age is difficult not to be young anymore. So, it is impossible to have a certain relationship with the dancer.

"That's what I want to say so that there is no misperception. He is a friend of my grandson, what has happened to me for 70 years," said SYL

Nayunda Nabila Nizrinah admitted that she had asked for help from the former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, to pay the apartment installments.

The disclosure of the request began when Chief Justice Rianto Adam Pontoh questioned whether there was a Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) facility enjoyed by Nayunda.

Nayunda said that she did not receive any Ministry of Agriculture facilities. However, he once asked SYL to pay installments for his apartment.

"If there are no facilities, sir, but I once asked the Minister for help," said Nayunda.

"What are you asking the Minister for?" asked Judge Rianto.

"It was for apartment installment payments at that time, sir," said Nayunda.