Vice President: MUI Fatwa Must Guide To Al-Qur'an

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that the fatwa (ijtihad) issued by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) must be guided and refer to the Qur'an and hadiths, so that it can be a guide and guidance for the community.

"The ulama must seriously try to achieve a law while still referring to the Qur'an and hadith in giving fatwas," said KH Ma'ruf Amin when opening the Ijtma' Ulama of the Indonesian Fatwa Commission VIII at the Bahrul Ulum Sungailiat Islamic Boarding School, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 29.

Ma'ruf said that in order for fatwas to stick to Al-Quan and hadiths, the ulama should think and act based on four clear rules (manhaj).

Manhaj yang kita pakai adalah manhaj samawi standar sayu, manhaj rabbani standar kewahan, manhaj faithi standar kemanian, dan manhaj tasyrii standar sharia, tegasnya.

The Vice President explained the guidelines used in seeking fatwas using sharia standards based on wisdom, justice, mercy, and benefit. Because, in fact, Islamic law is a manifestation of Allah's justice and mercy on earth.

The Vice President also emphasized the importance of this forum as a forum to discuss strategic issues of publicity and nationality. In addition, this forum also discusses contemporary issues that influence Muslims in Indonesia, such as state issues (masalimasisiyah wathaniyah), fiqh problems and contextual thematic Islamic law (masal waqi iyah muashirah) and legal and statutory issues (masal qanuniyyah).

"I hope this forum can continue to make a real contribution in building a nation and a country based on Islamic values that are rahmatan lil alamin," he said.

Regarding state matters, the Vice President advised to be responsible for keeping this country in the final of nationality and state, and not to deviate.

"Maintaining this country so that it remains within the framework of a national agreement, so that this country is maintained. That is why many fatwas are issued from this ijtima," he said.

Deputy Chairperson of MUI KH Marsudi Syuhud revealed that Ijtima' Ulama was held by MUI to participate in developing this nation. Through this forum, various schools and opinions from the ulama are united to obtain fatwas, especially in responding to issues of national and state practices that are in accordance with Islam.

"So here it is called ijtihad, which continues to grow. God willing, the value discussed is not only beneficial for Indonesia but the world," he said.