Nayunda's Shooter Reveals The Beginning Of Communication With SYL, Replies To Stickers On WhatsApp

JAKARTA - The singer Nayunda Nabila Nizrinah revealed the beginning of her communication with the former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL. Both are said to have replied to each other's stickers in the WhatsApp short message application.

This confession began when Chief Justice Rianto Adam Pontoh questioned how to get acquainted with SYL. Nayunda said that Muhammad Hatta, who at that time served as Director of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery (Alsintan) of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan).

"Did you know Pak Muhammad Hatta before?" asked Judge Rianto.

"Yes, Your Majesty," replied Nayunda

"Who offered you to get acquainted with this? Do you want to meet the Minister yourself or Pak Hatta's wishes?" asked Judge Rianto questioning.

"So at that time my number was asked, I also didn't understand who it was for," replied Nayunda.

"Who asked for your number?" asked Judge Rianto.

"Pak Hatta," said Nayunda

Then, Judge Rianto questioned Nayunda by asking whether or not the number was intended.

At first, Nayunda said she didn't know. However, after a while later it was discovered that his personal phone number was intended for SYL. Because, the former Minister of Agriculture contacted him via Whatsapp short message.

"Did you know that your number was then given?" asked Judge Rianto.

"Finally knew because I received WA after that," said Nayunda.

Nayunda revealed the beginning of her conversation with SYL. The two of them replied to each other's stickers in the Whatsapp application.

"Oh what does the WA sound?" asked Judge Rianto.

"Just send stickers first, Your Majesty," said Nayunda