SYL Denies Joice Triatman's Testimony: NasDem Offers Three Names For Staff

JAKARTA - Former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) said the NasDem Party offered him three names to be selected as special staff.

SYL made this statement as a rebuttal to Joice Triatman's testimony that his appointment as a special staff of the Minister of Agriculture was a request from Indira Chunda Thita Syahrul, SYL's son.

"I have never been intervened by my family about my position, therefore I reject Joice's statement. Joice is the three that NasDem offered," SYL said during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, May 29.

Of the three names proposed, SYL chose Joice Triatman with several considerations. One of them is because he already has experience.

"Joice is the three that NasDem offered and I chose Joy because he already had previous experience at the Ministry of Trade," he said.

On that basis, SYL denied Joice's testimony regarding the process of serving as a staff member.

Syahrul Yasin Limpo emphasized that none of his family could intervene in terms of work.

"So, it is not true that Joice's statement that it is my son Thita's recommendation. My son cannot interfere in my business. Apologize. Because it is very important," said Syahrul.