What Does All Eyes Of Rafah Mean, Which Is Crowded On Social Media? This Is The Origin Of The Proposal And How To Make It

YOGYAKARTA Although many are echoed on Instagram social media, not all netizens know what All Eyes of Rafah means. The slogan is even shared by world footballers, artists, and other netizens.

Judging from the word, All Eyes of Rafah means 'All Eyes fall to Rafah'. Meanwhile, Rafah itself is a city located south of the Gaza Strip, Palestine.

Slogan All Eyes on Rafah is closely related to events in Palestine. Most recently, Israel expanded its attack on Palestine, to be precise, Rafah by sending a combat brigade. In the attack, the Israeli military carried out a series of attacks that killed civilians, even killing infant and child victims.

Israel's heinous attack on Rafah, the Gaza Strip has received a strong reaction from the world's citizens. Not only in the real world, the zionist military action that killed civilians and children, even the baby, Palestine also received criticism in cyberspace with the slogan All Eyes on Rafah (All Eyes According to Rafah) became a trend on social media.

The cruelty of the Israeli army to the city of Rafah, Palestine began to reap sympathy for the world's citizens in February 2024. From there the slogan All Eyes on Rafah appeared, allegedly the initiator of the slogan was first carried out by Rick Peeperkorn, director of the Palestinian Population Regional Office at the World Health Organization (WHO).

The slogan indirectly invites everyone in the world to know the atrocities of the Israeli army in the city as well as oversee their actions. Not only that, the slogan is also a form of criticism of Israel's zionist regime for acts of genocide against Palestinians.

Slogan All Eyes of Rafah is currently busy on social media, especially Instagram. Many world leaders also voiced the slogan. Even the call grew even wider after Israel reportedly carried out airstrikes against Palestinian refugee tents in Rafah on Monday, May 27, 2024.

Tents for the occupancy of the Palestinian people in the Rafah area, the southern Gaza Strip, were hit to the ground. Dozens of casualties fell, the majority of women and children. The attack continued on Tuesday (28/5), again bringing down many casualties.

How to share the slogan All Eyes of Rafah in Instagram stories is quite easy, namely as follows.

The division of the slogan All Eyes of Rafah as a form of protest against Israel to immediately stop the attack immediately. Not only was it considered cruel, Israeli attacks were also considered a violation of the International Court's decision. As of Tuesday, May 28, Israeli attacks on Rafah were still ongoing.

That's information related to what All Eyes of Rafah means. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.