3 Motorcycle Thief Specialists In Palmerah Arrested By Police, Victim: Only One Time To Pay Installments Has Gone

JAKARTA - Three specialists in motorcycle theft with the initials DD (24), AR (26) and SA (29) did not move when they were arrested by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Palmerah Police, Tuesday, May 28. The motorcycle thief gang has been in action for three months.

The three perpetrators relied on Letter T keys to take away the victim's motorbike. For three months, the perpetrators managed to steal dozens of motorbikes belonging to the victims.

"The perpetrator DD acts as a pilot, AR plays a role in breaking into the ignition key, and SA plays a role in finding targets and taking away the stolen goods," said Palmerah Police Chief, Sugiran Police Commissioner, Tuesday, May 28.

The disclosure of this motorcycle theft case was revealed after his party received a police report on the loss of a motorbike on May 6, 2024.

"We follow up on the report and an investigation is carried out," he said.

The police investigated by examining the existing witnesses, to making CCTV observations. From the investigation carried out, the three perpetrators were finally arrested in the Kebon Jeruk area, West Jakarta.

"In less than 1 24 hours, the three perpetrators were detained in one of the houses in the Kebon Jeruk area," he said.

From his confession, the three perpetrators in one night were able to take away as many as three motorbikes. They ride together in action.

"The perpetrators sold the stolen motorbikes to the Sukabumi and Bogor areas at a selling price of Rp. 2-3 million per unit. These perpetrators acted in several areas, not only in the Palmerah area," he said.

Meanwhile, from the information of one of the victims, Rois (58) said that he was a victim of motorcycle theft on May 6, 2024. The man who sells uduk rice daily is shocked because his Honda Beat motorbike is not at the location.

"When I saw that the motorbike was not there. It turned out that a bad person was taken," he said.

Rois is very grateful that the motorbike that is usually used to trade can return. The reason is, he revealed that he had just bought this motorbike at a dealer and had just paid the first.

"Only once paid, still in installments. That's why Alhamdulillah the motorbike can really return again," he admitted.

The three suspects were charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code to account for their actions.