How Much Is The Healthy AC Temperature? It Turns Out That This Is The Level

YOGYAKARTA - Sleeping in an air conditioner room is indeed fun because the air temperature can be regulated. But what is the healthy air conditioner temperature? Every air conditioner user usually has a reference temperature for the comfort of each in the room.

The presence of air conditioning in the room is very helpful to condition the room temperature so it is neither too hot nor too cold. When the weather is hot or hot, you can lower the air conditioner temperature to make it colder. Meanwhile, if the air is cold, you can adjust the temperature to warm the room.

But in addition, inadequate temperature settings can also have a negative impact on health. It is better for room cooler users to know how healthy AC temperatures are and how to adjust to make it comfortable to sleep.

Many have questioned how much is the temperature level good for health. The air conditioner temperature that is right for health is around 24-25 degrees Celsius. This temperature arrangement is said to be able to optimally support the body's function.

It should be noted that the air conditioner temperature is too small or low can cause the skin to dry out. In addition, too low temperatures can also trigger irritation of the skin. Rooms with conditions like this can damage skin health because room humidity is reduced drastically.

In addition, the declining body temperature also causes reduced sweat production. This can actually trigger excessive oil production in the body. This condition can also cause other health problems, such as black spots or spots on the skin, wrinkles or skin wrinkles, acne, and skin irritation.

Not only that, but air conditioning temperatures that are too low can also have a negative impact on the natural mechanism of adjusting body temperature. This condition can increase the spread of viruses in dry and cold air.

The use of air conditioning does have various positive impacts on people indoors. But on the one hand, air conditioning users also risk causing negative effects on health. Here are some of the bad effects that may occur due to AC exposure:

Here are some steps you can take to set a comfortable air conditioner temperature for sleep:

Avoid immediately lowering the air conditioner temperature to the lowest level. The body needs to adapt first to the change in cold temperature. If the AC temperature has been regulated between 25 to 28 degrees Celsius but is still less cool or cold, then you can lower the temperature gradually.

When you feel sleepy, you can increase the air conditioner temperature by about 2 to 3 levels above it. This temperature setting aims to relax your body. For example, the previous temperature was 23 degrees, so you can increase it to 25 to 26 degrees.

That's the answer from what temperature AC is healthy? The AC temperature level that is good for health is in the range of 24-25 degrees Celsius. However, the reference for this temperature must also be adjusted to the physical condition of each person. Also read how to repair a live air conditioner alone.

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