Emphasizing The Importance Of Two State Solution In Front Of The EU State, Foreign Minister Retno: The Role Of UN DK Is Important

JAKARTA - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Retno LP Marsudi emphasized the importance of a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, while attending a meeting attended by a number of Islamic Cooperation Organizations (OKI), the European Union (EU) and members of the United Nations Security Council.

The meeting, titled 'MINISTERIAL LEVEL MEETING THE FOLLOW-UP OF THE RIYADH MEETING', was held in Brussels, Belgium on Monday.

From OKI, Foreign Minister Retno was present with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Alegeria, Turkey, Bahrain and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa was also present at the meeting.

"This meeting is very important, meaning that in the midst of the worsening situation in Palestine and the more ICJ (International Court) decisions are ignored by Israel," said Foreign Minister Retno in a statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tuesday, May 28.

"This is very important meaning in the context of encouraging the realization of a two-state solution," he continued, stressing the two-state solution is the only right option.

Foreign Minister Retno further said she used the meeting to call on European countries so that two-state solutions could be implemented, among others.

First, continued Foreign Minister Retno, the ceasefire must be pushed immediately and permanently. He said all parties must try to get Israel to comply with the ICJ's decision, including stopping Israel's offensive military at Rafah.

Without this, according to him, the smooth delivery of humanitarian aid would not be possible.

"In this regard, I emphasize the role of the UN Security Council to be very important. I deliberately convey this considering that several countries attending the meeting were members of the UN Security Council, such as the UK, Algeria, UAE and Slovenia," explained Foreign Minister Retno.

Next, Foreign Minister Retno also called on European countries to continue to support UNRWA, considering the agency's role is critical to preventing the humanitarian situation from getting worse.

The next call made by Foreign Minister Retno is the importance of recognition of Palestine and support for Palestinian membership at the United Nations.

"I also re-emphasize the importance of all countries to use their respective influences, so that veto on Palestinian membership at the United Nations does not happen again at the UN Security Council. Palestinian membership at the United Nations will assist Palestine in developing its country," he stressed.

"I also convey a message regarding the importance of Palestinian unity and support the reforms carried out by the Palestinian Government. Because this will contribute to the process of realizing the two-state solution," he added.