Floods In East Kotawaringin Expand To Submerge Dozens Of Villages

KOTAWARINGIN EAST - The flood that submerged the northern region of East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan) continued to expand until it submerged dozens of villages in the area.

"In Telaga Antang sub-district, there are 10 affected villages, now we have shifted the Mentaya Hulu sub-district because the flooding is quite high," said the Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of East Kotawaringin, Multazam, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 27.

Floods in the northern area of the district have occurred since Saturday (25/5), submerging four villages scattered in Telaga Antang and Antang Kalang sub-districts. The flood was caused by high rainfall, causing the river to overflow and submerge the lowlands along the riverbanks.

Multazam went down to the flood site leading the Rapid Response Team (TRC) in handling the disaster. They carried out mapping as material for decision making in handling and responding to the current flood emergency.

As a result of the data collection, flooding in Telaga Antang District, which previously only occurred in three villages, is currently widespread in submerging 10 villages. The water level varies between 30-150 centimeters.

He mentioned that 10 villages were affected by flooding in Telaga Antang District, namely Tumbang Sangai Village, Langit Driver, Rantau Katang, Tumbang Mangkup, Tumbang Bajanei, Tumbang Boloi, Rantau Sawang, Luwuk Kowan, Rantau Suang and Tumbang Puan.

Floods also occurred in three villages in Mentaya Hulu District, namely Kuala Kuayan Village, Bawang Village and Tanjung Jariangau. The water level at the location of the river water level measuring has reached 100.

Floods also occurred in Tumbang Manya Village, Antang Kalang District. The water level has reached 50 to more than 80 centimeters so that it is quite disturbing people's activities.

"This flood is due to high rainfall in the northern region. For data on affected families and other information waiting from their respective sub-district heads," said Multazam.

Currently, coordination continues to be carried out by BPBD with sub-district, sub-district and village governments whose areas are hit by floods. Data collection is also carried out to facilitate the distribution of emergency response assistance if necessary.

BPBD urges people in flood-prone areas to increase vigilance. This is important to anticipate unwanted things in line with the increasing intensity and rainfall in East Kotawaringin.