City Government Requests Mataram Water Park Revitalization Budget Of IDR 5.9 Billion To Central Government

MATARAM - The Government of Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), proposed a budget assistance of IDR 5.9 billion to the central government for the arrangement of Mataram Water Park (MWP) so that it could become a more representative ride for playing, education, and sports.

"We have included the budget proposal with the MWP arrangement concept so that it can be utilized by the community optimally," said Head of the Mataram City Youth and Sports Service (Dispora) H Suhartono Toemiran in Mataram as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 27.

In the prepared design, said Suhartono, the arrangement of the MWP will be carried out on a children's pool equipped with waterboom facilities with transversing long water slides such as snakes and offers an exciting, tense, but fun sliding experience.

In addition, an expansion of the pond and the construction of a guardrail between children's and adults will be carried out to provide security for visitors, as well as other arrangements around the MWP.

"This MWP arrangement is part of improving sports facilities, education, and playing in this city," he said.

So far, MWP has been used by many swimming sports clubs and individual exercises.

However, recently, some kindergarten (TK) schools have asked MWP to accept visits from kindergarten students. "We have allowed it, but with tight security," he said.

According to him, when there was a visit to swim and play from kindergarten children, Dispora alerted dozens of officers to become "pillion fences" to keep and keep children from going to adult pools.

However, to anticipate things that are not desirable, receiving visits from kindergarten students, so far it is still limited because it requires extra supervision.

However, after the arrangement, he continued, MWP will be fully opened. Both for clubs, individual training, as well as visits from schools of all levels including kindergarten.

"With this facility arrangement, we are optimistic that in the future MWP can become a potential new regional income," he said.

Alluding to the regional income from MWP, Suhartono said, the withdrawal of MWP levies was only carried out in 2024 in accordance with existing regulations with a target of IDR 10 million.

Of the Rp10 million, the realization is only around Rp4 million. By the end of this year, his party is optimistic that this target can be achieved.

"If MWP has been arranged, we dare to raise the target," he said.