Saksi Sidang SYL Beberkan Grup WhatsApp 'Saya Pergantian Kalian' Di Kementan

JAKARTA - The protocol of the Minister of Agriculture, Rininta Octarini, revealed the existence of a WhatsApp group at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) under the name 'I Change You guys'

The existence of the group was conveyed by Rini when she was a witness in the trial of the alleged extortion and acceptance of gratuities for the defendants Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL), Kasdi Subagyono, and Muhammad Hatta, on Monday, May 27.

During the trial, initially the Public Prosecutor (JPU) questioned the technicalities or how to communicate between the minister's protocol and those at Widya Chandra's official residence (Wican).

"For witnesses to communicate daily, whether there is a WhatsApp group between the protocol and also the person at Wichan," asked the KPK prosecutor during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court.

"As for coordination with the Wichan group, it is not a protocol group but a secretariat group of the Minister of Agriculture," replied Rini.

"Oh, the Minister of Agriculture Secretariat group, there is. What is the group name? What group WA or group?" asked the prosecutor to confirm.

"WA Group," replied Rini.

"What group name?" asked the prosecutor.

"I will replace you," said Rini.

Rini said that the WA group already existed when she entered the Secretariat of the Minister of Agriculture. Not only that, Rini said Muhammad Hatta, who is the former Director of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery of the Ministry of Agriculture and the defendant, was also part of the group.

"What does the understanding of witnesses mean by the name of the WA group 'I will change you'?" asked the prosecutor.

"I didn't know when I entered the secretariat there was already that group," Rini replied.

"Who is inside?" asked the prosecutor.

"There is a team of the secretariat of the Minister of Agriculture, there is Pak Hatta, there is Ubed, there is an aide," replied Rini.

He explained that at that time, Hatta had not yet served as Director of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery at the Ministry of Agriculture when he joined the group. But as staff.

In the group, Hatta often gave directions and warnings to the secretariat and aides in the group.

"We repeat the question, Your Majesty, why did Mr. Hatta reprimand you? It's the same with this staff, there are aides, staff, why did Mr. Hatta reprimand you when you generally worked wrong. Why did Mr. Hatta reprimand you?" asked the prosecutor.

"Because usually the directions like Pak Hatta or from the Minister," replied Rini.

Hearing this testimony, the prosecutor questioned Rini about Hatta using the name SYL when giving directions and warnings. Rini said the warning was given only when there was a schedule error until the selection of hotels and flights for SYL.

"Has Mr. Hatta ever told you that this is like the Minister wants it to be like this, it has to be followed like that? Bringing the name of the Minister so that Mr. Hatta dares to convey directions or scold him like that?" asked the prosecutor.

"If not directly," replied Rini.

"Yang saksi tahu bagaimana kalau tidak secara langsung?" tanya jaksa.

"For example, if there is a schedule error or flight choice error, hotel election error, usually Pak Hatta immediately reprimands us at the secretariat," said Rini.