Withdraw Fee 10 Percent Of Each Issuance Of SPPD, Former Kadisat Kota Bima Becomes A Corruption Suspect

The former Head of the Bima City Agriculture Service (Kadisatten) with the initials SU has been named a suspect in the alleged corruption case in the withdrawal of fees in the issuance of official travel orders (SPPD) for 2021-2022.Head of the Bima District Attorney's Office, Ahmad Hajar Zunaidi, confirmed the determination of SU as a suspect in the case."Following up on the determination, investigators made arrests by entrusting the person concerned at the Raba Bima Detention Center," Ahmad said when contacted, Monday, May 27, as reported by Antara.In this case, SU is indicated to have abused his authority while serving as the power of budget user at the Bima City Agriculture Service for 2021-2022.From the results of the investigation, it was revealed that there was evidence that the suspect SU made a fee withdrawal of 10 percent of every SPPD issuance at the Bima City Agriculture Service.Regarding the nominal withdrawal in the two-year period, Ahmad chose to reveal it at trial. He only confirmed that investigators had included a nominal withdrawal in the case file belonging to the suspect SU.With these results, investigators named SU as a suspect by applying the alleged Article 12e in conjunction with Article 12f of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001.