Polemic Not Over, Komnas HAM Efforts To Mediate Residents Of Kampung Bayam With Jakpro
JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) is seeking mediation between residents of the former Kampung Bayam and BUMD PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) regarding the polemic of Kampung Susun Bayam (KSB) which has been protracted since 2022 until now.Komnas HAM Commissioner Prabianto Mukti Wibowo said mediation was scheduled for this week."We schedule this week to wait for confirmation from Jakpro," Prabianto said in a short message, Monday, May 27.Prabianto hopes that Jakpro as the manager of KSB will be willing to participate in mediation. Komnas HAM will also present the DKI Provincial Government as the owner of the Jakpro company."The representative of the DKI Provincial Government was also presented as a related party," he said.KSB was founded since the leadership of former DKI Governor Anies Baswedan. When inaugurated in October 2022, Anies promised KSB to become a residence for residents affected by the eviction of the construction of the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS).However, residents of Kampung Bayam and PT Jakpro did not find an agreement regarding the KSB rental rate. The dead end continued until the leadership was replaced by the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono.
Thus, the DKI Provincial Government offers residents to live in flats (rusun) and temporary housing. Now, Jakpro plans to transfer KSB as the residence of JIS operational workers.On Tuesday, May 21, residents of Kampung Bayam were surrounded by Jakpro security forces, Satpol PP to the police at KSB, after several months of unlicensed residence at the residence.They were forced to leave KSB as their place of residence. Now, residents of Kampung Bayam have been forced to move to temporary shelter on Jalan Tongkol, Ancol, North Jakarta (Jakut).