2 DPOs Removed By Police, Attorney For Vina Cirebon's Family Disappointed

JAKARTA - Vina's family attorney, Princess Maya Rumanti, admitted that she was disappointed with the police who removed two wanted lists (DPO) in the murder and rape case of her client and lover, Rizky alias Eki in Cirebon, West Java.

"Why did the Regional Police (West Java) state that the two DPOs did not exist, aka fictitious," Putri told reporters in Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta, Sunday, May 26.

Whereas previously based on the court's decision on the convict Vina Cirebon case, it was stated that there were three DPOs in his client's case. The three DPOs, namely Pegi Setiawan (30) alias Perong, Andi, and Dani.

"So in this decision it is clear as a DPO that must be sought. So the question is who is most responsible for Vina and Eki's death if the two DPOs are eliminated," he said.

"Did we as attorneys just believe, do we have to stay silent, which of course who should work all this time? The Prosecutor's Office," he continued.

Therefore, if in this case two DPOs are removed, then the police must be able to prove it in the facts of the trial later.

"Yes, if it is abolished, the police must be able to explain the facts of the trial at that time, of course the indictment is based on the contents of the BAP, the BAP then there is an indictment, then there are demands then the verdict. That means that so far it should be suspected that there was intimidation in the trial, what if the legal product is said to be fictitious, it means that their testimony should be questioned," he said.

Previously, the West Java (Jabar) Regional Police corrected the DPO in the murder and rape case of Vina Cirebon with her lover, Eki. From the previous three, now there is one person.

"I emphasize here, all suspects are not 11 but nine. So that the DPO is only 1," said the West Java Police's Dirkrimum Kombes Surawan to reporters at the West Java Regional Police, Sunday, May 26.

There are two other names besides Pegi alias Perong who were recently arrested by the police because the perpetrators have different names.

"After we carried out an in-depth investigation, it turned out that the 2 names mentioned so far were just nonsense. So there were no other suspects," he said.