Ecolab Encourages Water For Climate Initiative To Support Water And Climate Resilience Centers

JAKARTA - Ecolab encourages the Ecolab Water for Climate (EWC) initiative as one of the good practices to save water use in the industrial sector which is expected to support the water and climate security (COE) center which was ratified in the Ministerial Declaration at the 10th World Water Forum in Bali.

"When using less water, energy consumption will automatically decrease so that it will have an impact on reducing carbon emissions," said Ecolab President Director Evan Jayawiyanto on the sidelines of the 10th World Water Forum in Nusa Dua, Badung Regency, Bali, quoted on Saturday, May 25.

According to him, water is the main driving force for production in the industries needed in the process of cooling, production, and chemical reactions that also release carbon.

If accompanied by efficient water treatment, it can also reduce carbon emissions.

He explained that with the EWC initiative, it can produce three goals at once that are directly related to the environment, starting from water efficiency, energy saving and reducing carbon emissions.

Evan gave an example that one of the beverage producer industries can reduce water use by 25 percent and is followed by a 12 percent reduction in energy consumption, which has an impact on reducing carbon emissions by six percent.

The good results are in line with the Indonesian government's proposal to establish a center for water and climate resilience excellence or the Center of Excellence (COE) on Water and Climate Resilience at the 10th World Water Forum in Nusa Dua, Badung Regency, Bali.

"COE is very good because it will increase the durability of the water resources system and reduce the risk impact of climate change," added Evan.

Its existence is also expected to be an educational event and raise awareness considering that the world is expected to experience a water shortage of up to 56 percent by 2030 based on a study by the research organization, the World Resources Institute.

"We will move to be able to provide education, collaborate with the private industry and related institutions to be able to create awareness. Departing from that, we can also enter to help the targets set by the government," said Evan.

Menakui riset Ecolab yang dilakukan di Indonesia, Ecolab Watermark Study, masyarakat Indonesia menunjukkan kepedulian yang tinggi terhadap semua isu lingkungan dan menunjukkan kepedulian terbesar terhadap keberlanjutan air. Tidak mengejutkan bahwa konsumen dalam kelompok ini juga paling mungkin untuk mengubah behavior pembelian mereka karena penggunaan air dalam manufaktur.

Evan revealed that 73 percent of consumers believe that manufacturers/businesses lack clear guidance and/or plans to overcome water scarcity.

"The Indonesian people see that government leaders really care about water conservation and feel they have done a lot to save water," he added.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian government previously proposed a COE of water and climate security at the 10th World Water Forum in Bali, May 18-25, 2024.

The proposal was also approved and became one of three parts in the declaration at the 10th World Water Forum Ministerial Meeting attended by 106 countries and 27 international organizations.

The Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) who is also the Daily Chair of the National Committee for the Implementation of the 10th World Water Forum Basuki Hadimuljono said the COE of water and climate resilience is to develop capacity, share knowledge and use superior facilities.

"As an archipelagic country, Indonesia must be at the forefront of encouraging innovation in water and sanitation management. This Center of Excellence is not only for Indonesian countries but also for other countries in Asia Pacific," said Basuki.

In addition to water and climate resilience issues, the declaration also includes the management of integrated water resources on small islands and proposals for World Lake Day.

Through COE, South countries that have problems related to flooding, sediments due to eruptions that damage rivers, and other water management problems will educate each other, exchange ideas, and share experiences to find the best solutions that can be implemented.

Indonesia already has an example, namely the Sabo Training Center in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, which can be part of the future COE.