North Sumatra PDIP DPD Claims Ahok Is Ready To Advance As A North Sumatra Cagub

Chairman of the North Sumatra PDI-P DPD Rapidin Simbolon claims Basuki Tjahja Purnama alias Ahok is ready to run as a candidate for governor of North Sumatra to face Bobby Nasution if assigned. He admitted that he had already talked with the former governor of DKI Jakarta.

"With Mr. Ahok, I have communicated twice, 'Sir, if you are deployed in North Sumatra, are you ready, Mr. Ahok?'," said Rapidin to reporters during the PDIP V National Working Meeting at the Beach City International Stadium, Ancol, North Jakarta, Saturday, May 25.

From that conversation, Rapidin said Ahok was ready if assigned by the party anywhere. "Never mind North Sumatra to Papua, I'm ready too". That's the answer of a true cadre, "he said telling the moment.

"These are all PDIP cadres wherever we are ordered by our party, we must be ready," continued Rapidin.

Rapidin said Ahok's name is currently being studied to be carried in the North Sumatra gubernatorial election. However, all decisions were made by looking at the political dynamics in the future.

"Of course, every day we will study the development of political dynamics in North Sumatra and we will continue to study it together and we are ready to map it with the party's DPP," he said.

In addition, the North Sumatra PDIP DPD is also still receiving registration from a number of figures to run in the North Sumatra gubernatorial election. Among them are Edy Rahmayadi and Musa Rajekshah alias Ijeck.

"We also play incumbent, Mr. Edi Rahmayadi is also another Ijeck, another is Bobby, who knows later we will carry our own cadres. We will calculate these various opportunities for political developments in North Sumatra," concluded Rapidin.