Collaboration Of CoFTRA With Exchange Develops More Positive Crypto Ecosystem

JAKARTA - In dealing with the dynamics of trading crypto assets, the Ministry of Trade through the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (BAPPEBTI) has carried out various mitigation measures. One of them is by overseeing the optimization of the crypto asset ecosystem which will provide comfort and security for the public in transactions.

There were seven mitigation steps taken by BAPPEBTI including the Implementation of Regulations or Policies in accordance with Provisions, Completion of the CPFAK Process into PFAK, Development of Crypto Products, Contribution of Crypto Asset Trading to State Revenue, Strengthening of Collaboration with Related Stakeholders, Implementation of the Principles of Know Your Customers (KYC), and Inclusion and Literacy of Crypto Assets.

Oscar Darmawan, CEO of INDODAX, said that the importance of cooperation between crypto asset trading platforms such as INDODAX and BAPPEBTI is to create a safe, reliable, and sustainable trading environment.

"We are committed to always complying with existing regulations and working with BAPPEBTI to create a safe and reliable trading environment," said Oscar, in his statement, Saturday, May 25.

With this initiative, it is hoped that the crypto asset industry in Indonesia can grow healthy and make a positive contribution to the national economy. INDODAX together with BAPPEBTI and other stakeholders, will continue to strive to increase literacy, security, and convenience in transacting crypto assets.

"We believe that with the close cooperation between BAPPEBTI and other stakeholders, we can create an ecosystem that is friendly to innovation and new technology, which will ultimately provide great benefits for the Indonesian people as a whole," said Oscar Darmawan.

On the other hand, INDODAX also participated in the Crypto Literacy Month (BLK) program which is a form of INDODAX's support in educating the public.

"Through this BLK program, we aim to increase public understanding of crypto assets and provide comprehensive education," he said.

In addition, Oscar added that one way INDODAX plays an active role by strengthening crypto asset literacy is through INDODAX Academy.

We provide education and understanding about crypto from the basis for free through websites, telegram, and social media platforms. This is expected to have a positive impact on the crypto industry. We have also opened collaboration with related parties to develop the crypto ecosystem in Indonesia together in the INDODAX Goes to Campus program for academics," he explained.