Government And Private Collaboration In Increasing Access To Eligible And Quality Drinking Water

JAKARTA - Guaranteeing the availability and sustainable management of clean water and sanitation for the entire community is one of the key aspects in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs). In line with that, the Indonesian government has set a target of 100 percent access to drinking water feasible in Indonesia by 2020-2024, and 15 percent of drinking water is safe in the National Medium-Term Plan (RPJMN).

As one of the strategic partners of the Indonesian government, Danone Indonesia is committed to supporting the efforts of the Indonesian government in dealing with water problems, including achieving the RPJMN target. This time, Danone Indonesia realized its commitment by supporting the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) to organize the 10th World Water Forum which took place in Bali on May 18-25, 2024.

Endra S. Atmawidjaja, Expert Staff V of the Ministry of PUPR at a press conference with Danone Indonesia on the sidelines of the 10th World Water Forum, said that currently, access to proper drinking water has reached 91 percent, with access to safe drinking water at 11.8 percent.

"The Indonesian government is determined to ensure that safe drinking water can be accessed by people throughout Indonesia. Therefore, collaboration between the government and all parties, especially the private sector, is very important to overcome water problems and accelerate the achievement of targets related to the availability of drinking water. feasible and safe," said Endra, in his statement, Thursday, May 23.

Endra added that his party really appreciates and supports Danone Indonesia's commitment to supporting the government's efforts to increase access to drinking water feasible and quality.

"We hope that private participation to help overcome the problem of the water crisis can continue to be improved so that the government can expand access to proper drinking water while improving public health and welfare. This is also a target listed in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs), which is to ensure that people have universal access to clean water and sanitation," he said.

Having a long commitment to supporting the government's efforts to deal with water problems, Danone Indonesia is actively involved in the World Water Forum 2024. During the World Water Forum 2024, Danone was involved as a speaker in a number of High Level Panel sessions, thematic sessions and discussions at a number of state pavilions participating in the World Water Forum 2024 exhibition, related to solutions to water problems.

Danone also opened educational facilities regarding the importance of managing water resources in one of the World Water Forum 2024 exhibition areas and meeting the hydration needs of the participants, delegates and state representatives during the event.

Vera Galuh Sugijanto, VP General Secretary of Danone Indonesia, said that Danone Indonesia's involvement in the 10th World Water Forum event in Indonesia emphasized the company's determination in helping the government to overcome water problems.

"Danone Indonesia sees the World Water Forum as an important opportunity to build partnerships in various sectors to actively address global water problems through collaborative programs and initiatives," he explained.

Vera further added, in order to help the government overcome water problems and accelerate the achievement of targets related to the availability of decent and safe drinking water, Danone Indonesia has implemented the Danone Water Policy which focuses on three main pillars, namely protecting water resources and the environment, encouraging water circulation in the production system, providing access to clean water and sanitation through the WASH (Access Air, Sanitation and Hydration) program.

The WASH program is a multi-sector collaboration program aimed at increasing access to clean water in various areas that have limited access to clean water. To date, the WASH program has provided access to clean water for more than 500,000 people.

Being under the auspices of the WASH program, Danone Indonesia collaborates with to implement the Water Credit program in various regions in Indonesia. Water Credit is a micro credit scheme facilitated by financial institutions. This scheme empowers the management group of rural water supply systems (SPAM) to independently develop and manage access to clean water by seeking funding from local financial institutions.

In this scheme, Danone Indonesia and provide training to these groups to prepare financial reports, plan to improve services, budget plans, and implement water access management.

As a result, this program has been running in two districts in Central Java and thirty-two districts in East Java. Since its launch in 2016, this collaboration has been ongoing and has benefited more than 175.000 individuals.

During the World Water Forum 2024, Danone was involved as a speaker in a number of High Level Panel sessions, thematic sessions and discussions at a number of state pavilions participating in the World Water Forum 2024 exhibition, related to solutions to water problems. Danone also opened educational facilities regarding the importance of managing water resources in one of the World Water Forum 2024 exhibition areas and meeting the hydration needs of the participants, delegates and state representatives during the event.

Danone Indonesia is committed to realizing the Positive Impact of Water Impact, namely by returning more water to society and nature compared to the water used for the company's production process. In addition to implementing water management policies, companies are also involved in various strategic and inclusive partnerships with the government, NGOs, and communities, academic institutions in carrying out collective actions to implement integrated water resource management.

Danone Indonesia has also adopted a green financing strategy to strengthen the implementation of good governance and introduce Environmental Services Payments (PES) as a scheme to provide financial compensation for good conservation and natural resource management.

Understanding the importance of the role of water education in ensuring water safety and encouraging mutual well-being, Danone Indonesia in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia and Schools. You, launched an educational module for the preservation of water. Waterilik Heroes designed for elementary schools. This module is expected to help build critical thinking skills and problem-solving capabilities, in order to be able to become an agent of change in the current water crisis.

Supported by commitment and long experience in providing access to drinking water properly and quality and maintaining environmental sustainability, Danone Indonesia is ready to continue to play an active role in supporting the government in solving water availability problems. We believe in multi-sector collaboration and awareness to manage water and the environment in a sustainable manner, we can overcome water crisis problems while improving people's health and welfare," concluded Vera.