Develop Human Resources To Advance The Indonesian Automotive Industry, ADM Jalin MoU With 157 Vocational Schools In Indonesia

JAKARTA - Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) has again realized its commitment to developing the quality of Human Resources (HR) by collaborating with a number of vocational schools in Indonesia.

The program initiated by the company is also in line with one of the pillars of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), namely Smart with Daihatsu.

The ADM has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a total of 157 SMKs in Indonesia located in the areas of Jakarta, Banten, East Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), and Sumatra.

The signing of the MoU is related to cooperation in the development of human resources, facilities, and the application of the Daihatsu-based curriculum, in order to create a link and match synergy between the world of education and the needs of the automotive industry.

"With the signing of the MOU, it is hoped that it can become the basis for the implementation of teacher human resources development activities and automotive vocational school students assisted by Daihatsu both in hard skills, as well as soft skills," wrote Daihatsu in a statement received, Wednesday, May 22.

Daihatsu also handed over support in the form of automotive practice tools to several vocational schools to support the ability of students and teachers in learning. In addition, the company also invited several SMK representatives to visit the ADM factory located at the Sunter Assembly Plant, North Jakarta in seeing the direct process of assembling vehicles.

Please note, ADM has fostered around 445 vocational schools spread throughout Indonesia and it is hoped that this program can advance the country's automotive industry.