Ministry Of Transportation Performs Monitoring Of The Feasibility Of Tourism Buses Ahead Of The 2024 Vesak Long Holiday

The Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) supervises the feasibility of tourism buses together with the Korlantas Polri and the district/city transportation office, to ensure public safety ahead of the long holiday commemorating Vesak Day 2024.
"We will monitor and check tourism buses. The buses that operate must of course be licensed and roadworthy," said Director General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Hendro Sugiatno in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, May 21.
Hendro said that his party was monitoring the feasibility of tourism buses in connection with the long holiday to commemorate Vesak Day 2024 and the potential for increased community mobility to tourist attractions.
"As much as possible we collaborate with the police and the Department of Transportation in terms of supervision, checking and law enforcement," said Hendro.
Hendro further said that currently the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation is preparing several strategic steps to curb tourism bus operations and prevent repeated bus accidents, such as theulation of regulations regarding buying and selling buses.
"Later it will be arranged how the sellers and bus buyers are required to ensure the feasibility of their vehicles before making the transaction. Then, sellers and buyers are required to report the transfer of vehicle ownership for the licensing clarification process," said Hendro.
In the future, continued Hendro, periodic data integration of motorized vehicles based on applications will also be carried out in collaboration with local governments through the Department of Transportation.
In addition, the Directorate General of Land Transportation together with relevant stakeholders will form a pilot project in six provinces, namely Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, South Sulawesi and North Sumatra.
He said that this was for data collection, evaluation, and socialization of the safety of tourism buses and public buses, including ramp check procedures.
"We have also together with the Korlantas Polri discussed regulatory adjustments regarding the proposed Supervision Card and Evidence of Passing Periodic Tests (BLU-e) as a condition in issuing the extension of the STNK," said Director General Hendro.
He also said that it was all done as an effort to curb the operation of tourism buses and public buses by prioritizing road safety aspects.
In addition to these efforts, it is also hoped that service users can play a role in checking the permits and the feasibility of the bus fleet through the Mitra Darat and applications.
"We are never tired of inviting the public or users of public bus vehicles to check the condition of their vehicles before departure. The method is quite easy just to enter the police number of the vehicle to be used. Make sure the vehicle is roadworthy so as not to cause worry," said Hendro.