The Proposal Of The Tanah Abang Thug To Be Hired, Ahok: That's How To Take Advantage Of Order, Even Though I Was Branded A Motorbike

JAKARTA - Former DKI Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) proposed that the DKI Provincial Government hire thugs roaming Tanah Abang as an effort to control them.According to Ahok, the thugs actually also want to get a permanent job and no longer disturb the community."Preman is Dutch, he said, if I'm not mistaken. "Free man", people who are found in the market who don't have work. So they are not thugs, they are just free man who doesn't have work. Yes, we are looking for work," Ahok said on his YouTube account, Call Me BTP, quoted on Tuesday, May 21.Ahok revealed that the thugs could be employed as parking attendants on official parking lots belonging to the DKI Provincial Government.In addition, regional-owned enterprises (BUMD) can also employ these thugs to run their business wheels. It is hoped that they will no longer cause trouble because they have earned income."So I hope that in Jakarta, each family will have an income of Rp. 5 million-Rp. 10 million a month. Those are the ways we use BUMD, take advantage of order, even though I am labeled the king of rectification, pembusukan, cruel," explained Ahok.In addition, Ahok also gave advice on eradicating illegal parking attendants who also often disturb the public.Ahok suggested that the government increase the parking lot. You can do this by building official parking buildings on the river. This can get around the limited vacant land in Jakarta."How to deal with it? Expand parking buildings. Instead, I say we have to change a lot of land. Including above rivers," he explained.Ahok views that illegal jukir whose parking space is brought under control by the DKI Provincial Government will not protest as long as they are officially employed.Because, according to him, the illegal jukir's income so far is not much. The party who gains the most profits from illegal parking activities is the regional apparatus that receives the deposit.
"Actually, the parking attendants, I met them. They also don't get rich, really. The seller accepts the deposits that are getting rich, I think. The parking attendants are poor, normal, mediocre, mediocre," he added.