Unclean Remove Makeup Can Cause Hordeolum, Small GROUP In The Eye

JAKARTA - It's not clean when removing make-up or makeup on the face, especially on the eye, it turns out that it can cause hordeolum disease, or is familiarly called bintitan.

"Hordeolum is a small lump that at first glance looks like acne or lephahan near the eyelash area, the cause of the STAR's eye is usually bacterial infection," said Universitas Brawijaya's Eye Specialist dr. Bramantya Surya Pratama Sp.M, MMRS, as reported by ANTARA.

Bramantya said that common bacteria arise from the remains of make-up that are not completely erased, wiping their eyes with less clean hands, to exposure to dust.

"Bacteria enter through the sidelines of eyelashes," he said.

In addition to decreasing self-confidence due to lumps in the eyes, bintitian can certainly disturb the comfort of the sufferer. Generally this disease makes the patient feel pain when blinking, it can also interfere with the vision due to swelling.

Bintitan may be common and often taken for granted, however, Bramantya said that untreated hordeolum can last for months. In fact, the bump that arises can thicken.

"Anyway, often clean your eyelashes, don't look into your eyes, and get used to washing your hands before and after touching your eyes," he continued. Bramantya advised hordeolum sufferers to check the condition of an eye doctor to get the right medication.

As for easing swelling due to bintian, Bramantya recommends patients to do a warm eye compress using cotton for five minutes.

This warm Presidential Commission was carried out by soaking cosmetic cotton into warm water, then blackmailing it, then attaching it to the eyelids with closed eyes, Bramantya added.

Cleaning up eyelashes is really clean, it is important to maintain the health of the eyes and eyelashes. Sometimes, eyelash and eyelasher makeup is very difficult to remove.

Currently, many beauty brands provide make-up products specifically for eye areas that are difficult to remove. Oil-based makeup removers or make-up removers are effective enough to remove waterproof make-up.