Yusril Denies Will Be The Attorney General After Resigning From The UN Chairman

JAKARTA - Professor of state law at the University of Indonesia (UI) Yusril Ihza Mahendra firmly denied that his step was to resign from the position of chairman of the Crescent Star Party (PBB) because there was an offer to become a attorney general at the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka government for the period 2024-2029.

Yusril admitted to resigning for reasons of leadership regeneration and so that he focused on being involved in the world of law and government freely, without the ties of political parties.

"It's not true (the offer to become a attorney general)," said Yusril in his statement in Jakarta, Monday, May 20.

Yusril admits that he will remain an academic and professional in the field of law and government after resigning from the UN chairman.

In fact, Yusril admitted that he would be more free to move because he was no longer related to political parties.

"By freeing myself from party ties, I feel more free to move and do, say I can act as a statesman who overcomes all understandings and groups for the benefit of the nation and state," said Yusril.

Yusril is also optimistic that he can do optimally to channel all his expertise, especially in solving the problems of the nation and state.

"In such conditions, I can do optimally, use all my abilities and expertise to help solve the nation's problems, say in building a legal life, democracy and the constitution, without the burden of the assumption of fighting for partisan interests," explained Yusril.

Yusril admitted that so far he has also been professional and has not been participated when talking about the nation, state, constitution, and democracy.

"When I was still the general chairman of the United Nations, my views on the constitution, law, and democracy were the views of academic professionals, not reflecting the views of partisans. Especially when I was outside the party, the professionalism would certainly be put forward," concluded Yusril.

It is known, Yusril announced his resignation from the UN chairman in a party council deliberation (MDP) session held at the UN DPP, Jalan Raya Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, on Saturday last week. Yusril's position at the United Nations is now being replaced by Fahri Bachmid.