The Political Rights Of Money Political Actors Must Be Revoked
JAKARTA PPI Executive Director Adi Prayitno suggested that the revocation of political rights for money political actors could be regulated in law as a sanction rather than legalizing the practice of money politics both in elections and regional elections.
According to him, whether it is recognized or not, even though it is forbidden to practice very naked money, it is rare to reveal by the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu). Therefore, many money political actors are free from sanctions.
"It is better for the law to specify what is included in the practice of money politics, including maybe the provision of goods can also be included in the definition of money politics as long as it is related to withdrawing support or votes," said Adi, Sunday, May 19, 2024.
"Well, after that, sanctions can be regulated that provide a deterrent effect, for example the revocation of political rights for money political actors," he continued.
Regarding the proposal of a member of Commission II from the PDI-P faction, Hugua, who asked for the legalization of money politics, Adi stated that the proposal normatively certainly violated the constitutional rules. However, by looking at the reality on the ground, the practice of money politics is often carried out by election participants openly.
"Normatively, the proposal is not good, actually because in the electoral law, money politics is prohibited and the sanctions can be criminal. Money politics clearly destroys democracy. The statement of the legality of money politics must be put in the context that money politics is useless if the reality is all money politics," he explained.
He emphasized that the electoral system in Indonesia currently contributes to the culture of money politics. It feels difficult to find candidates who participate in elections that do not use money politics," concluded Adi.