NasDem Suggests Amendments To The Law Of The Ministry Of State Don't Go Through Perppu Or Constitutional Court Decisions

JAKARTA - The chairman of the NasDem Party DPP for Legislative Relations, Atang Irawan, highlighted the DPR's plan to revise Law Number 39 of 2008 concerning the State Ministry, amid the issue that President-elect Prabowo Subianto wanted to increase the number of ministry posts from 34 to 40.

Charcoal suggested that the increase in the number of ministries should not be carried out through the Perppu scheme or even the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK).

"It is better through a scheme to change the Ministry Law, so that all elements of society can be protected in the dynamics of discussion not only in public spaces, including providing views and opinions in the discussion of both the General Hearing Meeting (RDPU) and in audience spaces and so on, so that the aura of participation in legislative politics can become a strategic space," said Atang to reporters, Friday, May 17.

Atang assessed that although Prabowo as President-elect has not yet stated that he will increase the number of his cabinet ministries, the political gimic atmosphere of a number of party elites has led to requests for the number of ministers that trigger the dynamics of public spaces.

"Even questioning the existence of a coalition and the spirit of reconciliation is feared to be limited to the distribution of the ministry alone," said Atang.

In fact, according to Atang, coalitions and reconciliation do not only talk about distributing chairs but rather about building synergy between political parties in the context of national interests to achieve the goals of the state mandated in the constitution.

Atang also reminded that the formulating team should pay comprehensive attention to the meaning of Article 17 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution that the phrase Every minister in charge of certain affairs in government' must prioritize certain government matters emphasized in the 1945 Constitution which is the fundamental rights of the people.

"For example, the right to protect indigenous peoples who are always eroded and marginalized, it would be nice to make a nomenclature of the ministry in itself," explained Atang.

Atang emphasized that government affairs are not only the responsibility of the ministry as an assistant to the president, but also regional governments.

"For example, related to the management of border areas, it would be better to implement it through regional autonomy schemes or auxiliary duties, and so on," he said.

Atang emphasized that in addition to the vision and mission of the elected presidential candidate, in determining the ministry, it must also pay attention to the evaluation of existing ministries. Because according to him, the big problem of the Indonesian nation which is always repeated is that when there is obesity, the ministry actually triggers sectoral egos, bureaucraticism and opens space for rent in the context of serving the people.

Therefore, Atang reminded that the state ministry is based on cabinet zaken or a skills approach. So that the ministry's performance professionalism can be accountable and of course has high responsibility for people's problems and futuristics.

"So it is not merely based on representation, either from political parties or other national groups," concluded Atang.