Demolition Of 2 Refinery Illegal Factories In Muba, South Sumatra, 13 Tedmon And 9 Babytank Seized

The joint team consisting of TNI and Polri personnel and local governments dismantled illegal refineries or illegal oil distillation in Musi Banyuasin (Muba) Regency, South Sumatra (Sumsel).

From the demolition and control in Suak District, 13 tedmons measuring 5,300 liters, nine babytanks, nine drums and a banker made of iron were secured. "In Suak Tapeh District, Banyuasin, there are two locations for illegal oil warehouses that were dismantled by the joint team, namely Lubuk Lancang Village and Sukaraja Village," said Muba Police Chief AKBP Ferly Rosa at the location, confiscated by Antara, Friday, May 17. He added that the demolition of this illegal fuel hoarding warehouse belonged to perpetrators A and A.

Ia menambahkan sesuai keputusan rapat bersama dan adanya komitmen pak Kapolda Irjen A Rachmad Wibowo dengan Pangdam II Sriwijaya Mayjen TNI Naudi Nurdika untuk menindak tegas dan secara hukum terhadap kegiatan illegal drilling dan illegal refinery diseluruh wilayah hukum Polda Sumsel."Kami bongkar dan tertibkan. Ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari komitmen bersama Bapak Kapolda dan Bapak Pangdam,” tegasnya.

The demolition was carried out by a team from the South Sumatra Police Ditreskrimsus, Sriwijaya II Pomdam, Banyuasin Police, Sekayu Subdenpom and Banyuasi Regency Sat Pol PP.