Kearney: Adoption Of AI Technology Is The Reason Why Indonesia Is A World Investor Target

JAKARTA - Based on the FDI Confidence Index Kearney, Indonesia emerged as a key player in shaping future investment trends, with a net optimism surge of 24 percent, up from 15 percent in 2023.

The annual Kearney survey conducted on global business executives stated that Indonesia is still the main choice for investors to invest.

"The fundamental condition of Indonesia's stable economy, abundant natural resources, and increasing the number of middle classes contribute to Indonesia's attractiveness as a strategic investment destination," said Rohit Sethi, Government and Economic Development Practice Lead in Indonesia.

Not only that, but Rohit also added, where the adoption of technology and aspects related to innovation also affects the investment decision making.

Based on this report, Indonesia's strategic focus in utilizing developing technology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), is in line with future-oriented investors, who position Indonesia as a dynamic goal that is ready to accelerate digital transformation.

With a significant proportion of investors taking advantage of AI in their decision-making process, Indonesia is ready to take advantage of developing technology, offering great benefits in terms of cost savings, efficiency, and decision-making accuracy.

"Despite concerns about cybersecurity and misinformation, the AI's potential to encourage investment decisions underscores its significance in shaping Indonesia's investment appeal and encouraging sustainable growth," he continued.

Recently, two world technology giants, namely Apple and Microsoft, have established their investment in Indonesia in AI development, amounting to IDR 1.6 trillion and IDR 27.6 trillion each.