Can Change, Know 8 Factors That Affect Breast Milk
JAKARTA - Breast milk is generally sweet, but it is different from the taste of milk that you have been drinking so far. The sweet taste in breast milk comes from lactose, namely natural milk produced by the mother's body. In addition to lactose, breast milk also contains fats that make it creamy.
The taste of breast milk for each mother varies. Even the breast milk of a mother is not always the same every time a baby is breastfed or every time you pump it. Reporting from Very Well Family, Friday, May 17, this taste comes from the food you eat every day. In addition, there are also 8 other factors that can affect breast milk, such as:
The shift in hormone levels in the body since the return of menstruation or a new pregnancy can affect breast milk. Even so, breastfeeding is still safe to do during menstruation. It is the same if you are pregnant again. You can continue to breastfeed during pregnancy while you are not at high risk.
The buildup of lactic acid in the body along with the salted taste of sweat in the breast due to heavy exercise can change the taste of breast milk. To try to minimize the effect on breast milk, just do light or moderate exercise during breastfeeding. Or you can also clean your breasts with water before breastfeeding the baby to relieve the salty taste of sweat.
Consumption of certain drugs can also change the taste of breast milk. If you start a new treatment and realize that your child refuses to drink breast milk, that might be the cause. Talk to the doctor if you think this is a problem.
Research shows that the breast milk released by a person after smoking will smell and taste like smoke. If you smoke, finish the cigarette immediately after breastfeeding the child and try not to smoke for at least two hours before breastfeeding again so as not to minimize the smell and smell of smoke in breast milk.
Drinking alcohol is known to affect breastfeeding. It takes about two hours for every alcoholic drink you consume out of the body and breast milk. The longer you wait for breastfeeding after drinking alcoholic beverages, the less alcohol is in breast milk.
Dairy breast milk frozen in the freezer can also sometimes cause smell and taste of soap when disbursed. But this is normal because breast milk contains lipases, namely enzymes that have many benefits such as helping break the fat in breast milk to protect the baby from various diseases. So that the taste of breast milk can come back again, beat the container or bottle of breast milk gently to reix breast milk before giving it to the baby.
If you are breastfeeding in a state of massitis or breast infection, the taste of breast milk may also turn salty. Actually, you may be able to breastfeed when you are massive. However, there is a possibility that the baby refuses to be breastfed because the taste of breast milk is different. Consultate immediately with a consultant or breastfeeding counselor if you encounter this condition.
Every lotion, cream, soap, perfume, oil, or controls that you place on your breasts can make the taste of breast milk different. If you use any body product--at or near your breasts, make sure to clean your breasts well before breastfeeding the baby.