Understanding Guarantee Activation: Here's An Explanation And Examples
YOGYAKARTA - Guarantee activation is an asset that is useful in witnessing. Let's learn the meaning of collateral activation!
The reason is, the asset guarantee is an asset that can provide benefits in borrowing and borrowing activities. Later, the credit process will be much easier and lighter by using this asset.
Loaners can also obtain guarantees for some of the funds they provide to debtors.
However, it should be noted that the use of collateral assets has a risk for each party. Therefore, you need to master the advantages and disadvantages.
The collateral asset is a valuable asset belonging to a borrower that was handed over as collateral to the lender to secure his debt.
In this regard, it means that the guarantee is collateral that will be held by creditors as a reward for the funds lent.
Not only that, the collateral activate is something that can be used to help reduce down payment or the burden of repayment in loan transactions.
Examples Of Assets That Can Be Used As A Guarantee activation
There are several provisions that need to be met by borrower assets so that they can be said as collateral. The provisions that are criteria for making assets so that they can be used as collateral assets are the following:
Examples of assets that can be classified as collateral assets are as follows:
I. Motorized vehicles and cars
If you apply for credit and are indecisive about sorting out assets that can be used to make collateral, then the vehicle can be selected as the option.
This motor vehicle or car is also required to be complete, starting from BPKB or proof of ownership, STNK, and the key.
II. Ships and planes
Ships and planes are also often used as collateral assets for loans, especially by certain business actors who need additional business capital.
However, making its own provisions, ships and collateral activation aircraft are those that have a maximum gross weight of 20 m cubic and a total minimum volume of 20 m cubic.
III. Gold as collateral
The first example is assets that can be used as collateral assets, namely gold. Although it cannot be used in conventional banks, gold can be collateral in Islamic loans.
For other alternatives, gold can also be pawned by following the pawn system from the lender concerned.
IV. Land
An example of the next asset that can be used as collateral assets is land. The land itself is quite taken into account by the lender.
The reason is that the increase in land prices every year is quite promising. Even though there is inflation and depreciation, land assets are always in demand by many people.
V. Shares
Shares are also relics that can be used as collateral in loan transactions.
So that the banking sector can give considerations for efforts to sort out shares from well-known companies that are still active.
VI. Deposit Guarantee
Other types of assets that can be used as collateral assets are deposits. This legacy is often used to apply for multipurpose loans.
Because deposits are more effective and maximal. However, it should be noted that not all banks will receive deposit guarantees.
VII. Building or Property
The next example of assets that can be used as collateral assets is buildings and properties, such as houses, apartments, warehouses, factories, or hotels.
There is also the value of the building and the property will later be adjusted to the state of the asset and its surroundings.
If the condition is good, it could be a loan that can be given for 2 to 10 years to reach billions.
VIII. Factory engine
Factory machines are one of the assets that can be useful as collateral in loan transactions.
As for the factory machine, it is mandatory to fulfill certain techniques and conditions first.
In addition, you need to recognize the types and know what the Difference of Activators and Pacivas in the Company Financial Report''.
So after knowing what the meaning of collateral assets means, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!