DPR Member: Providing PMN Has A Big Impact On SOE Performance

JAKARTA - Member of Commission VI DPR RI Muhammad Husein Fadlulloh said that the provision of state capital participation (PMN) to state-owned enterprises (BUMN) had a major impact on the performance of the state-owned corporation, thus increasing its contribution to the Indonesian economy. Husein in Jakarta, Wednesday 15 May, said that state-owned companies that receive the budget incentives currently have a fairly good performance. This can be seen from the increasing contribution of BUMN dividends which are already far greater than the budget issued. "If you look at the proportion of dividends, not only companies that can PMN, but also a lot of non-PMN, and the performance is quite good. So PMN is given to support government programs not to pay debts, 90 percent is for assignments," he said, as reported by Antara.

Politisi Gerindra itu menjelaskan skema pemberian PMN mayoritas untuk perusahaan negara yang mendapatkan penugasan dari pemerintah, serta BUMN yang mengerjakan proyek strategis nasional (PSN). Seperti halnya program subsidi listrik dari PLN dan penyelesaian Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera (JTTS).Menurut dia, pihaknya sudah melakukan pembahasan terkait skema efektif tersebut sejak tahun 2020 dengan Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir guna membuat dana yang tersalurkan lebih efektif, efisien, dan tepat sasaran."Makanya, syarat pertama itu penugasan, sisanya sekitar 15-20 persen untuk aksi korporasi," ujar dia.Husein menyampaikan, program penugasan biasanya bersifat jangka panjang, sehingga PMN yang disalurkan turut menjadi pemacu pertumbuhan ekonomi, serta membuka lapangan pekerjaan di masa mendatang."Contoh JTTS itu jangka panjang yang harus dilakukan, itu efek berganda secara ekonominya akan memberikan benefit lebih baik untuk masyarakat," kata Husein.

Previously, State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Minister Erick Thohir said that the proportion of SOE dividends was greater than state capital participation (PMN), which was 55 percent and 45 percent. Erick said that this proportion experienced significant changes in recent years, which is in line with the target of the Ministry of SOEs, namely the number of dividends greater than PMN. "As before, the cumulative number between dividends and PMN is still greater in dividends, approximately 55 percent proportion to 45 percent," said Erick during a working meeting with Commission VI of the DPR at the DPR Building, Jakarta, Tuesday 19 March.