Two Unidentified Decades, The Body Of A Teenage Girl Who Was A Victim Of A Killer For Nearly 55 Years Has Been Identified

JAKARTA - The New York Police (NYPD), United States managed to identify the body of a teenage girl who was murdered more than 50 years ago, after two decades without an identity since being discovered in February 2023, thanks to a ring.
Workers who were working on the basement of a building in Manhattan, United States in 2003 were shocked by the discovery of a teenage girl's skeleton rolled up on the carpet, buried in a concrete tomb.
Detective Ryan Glas ofTEN said a gold ring with the initials "PMcG" was found near the skeleton, along with a 1969 bra, coins and toys of green plastic soldiers. He was tied with an electric cable.
Since then, the body of the unidentified victim is called "Midtown Jane Do" because it was found in the Hell's Kitchen area, New York City
Earlier this month, investigators managed to reveal their identity as 16-year-old Patricia Dana McGlone and lives in Brooklyn.
Investigators believe Patricia was murdered in late 1969 or early 1970 before being buried in the basement of the building.
With advanced forensics, they determined the identity of their parents and where they lived in Brooklyn, tracing local public documents.
Police found a treasure trove of information, including cryptographic cards and school records, which provided investigators with a glimpse of the last years of their lives.
Detective Glass explained, from a number of forensic tests carried out, DNA relations were found with several people, including the mother of a woman who was killed in the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City.
Glas said he expected Patricia's family to report and provide information that could help investigators determine what happened to her, or how she died.
"Whatever they remember from the past, whoever lives in that building, whoever can give us more background about him, whatever information we can follow up on," hoped Glas, quoted by CNN May 15.
"I am the father of three daughters, so I can only imagine what his childhood would be like until he was finally killed," he said.
According to Glas, decades earlier, around the time Patricia was believed to have been killed, the building where her skeleton was found houses a nightclub called The Scene. It was the famous entertainment venue and became the center of attention of celebrities in the 1960s, with several well-known musicians having played there.
This case was stalled for a long time because the victim was not reported missing, although the New York City Medical Audit Office in 2003 established the framework belongs to a teenage girl who is 5 feet 2 inches high.
It was only in 2017 that investigators began to review this case. However, because it has been buried for a long time and its bones are degraded, it will take quite a long time to make the appropriate DNA profile. Forensic progress helps the identification process.
The process involving genetics experts managed to track down from his mother's side, until finally he was found to be the only child and was born on April 20, 1953, to the couple Bernard McGlone and Patricia Gilligan. She is also thought to be married at a young age, which was common at that time, and is likely pregnant.
Glass said, with the successful disclosure of Patricia's IDENTias, the police are now trying to find out who killed her.