In Order Not To Be Injured, Here Are 5 Ways To Take Care Of The Foot For Diabetics

YOGYAKARTA For diabetics, the legs can feel numb due to nerve damage. Without the sensation of pain, it may be difficult for diabetics to realize that the legs are limping or there are small wounds. According to leg disease expert at Banner Health clinic, Brett Roeder, DPM., it is important for diabetics to keep their legs from getting injured, which in turn makes infections, fractures, and amputation. How to treat the legs for diabetics, here's the explanation.

Pay attention to your feet every day is important for diabetics. This is the first defense preventing your leg from getting injured and experiencing leg infections. If you see swelling, wounds, abrasions, or injuries, the area's balut and immediately make an appointment to meet a doctor.

After the feet are clean after activity, dry and put in talk powder or machinewood flour on the sidelines of the feet to keep them dry. It's important to note, make sure your feet are not too dry but also not too damp. Avoid soaking your feet because soaking your skin.

Soaring legs helps maintain skin health and prevents it from getting too dry. This step prevents skin from breaking out due to dryness and keeping your legs from getting infected.

When naked, or wearing only socks, it can be at risk of stepping on something sharp without feeling it. So when you are outdoors, even in the room, don't step up naked.

The shoes that do not fit can press and swipe with the legs so that it causes abrasions or ships that can cause infection. If you are suffering from a bunion or hazardoes, make sure to wear shoes that match your feet.

Hal yang harus dilakukan ketika mengalami luka, saran dokter Roeder dilansir laman Banner Health, implementasi lubricantik pada bagian atas kaki. Pada sesela kejak, obati dengan iodium. Sedangkan bagian bawah kaki, batasi beban dan pertahankan kaki tetap sterile selama proses penyembuhan. Jika tidak melihat perkembangan dari penyembuhan luka setelahrawinya lebih dari minggu, ketemu dokter segera.

In addition to taking care of your feet every day, diabetics must also change their lifestyle to help your feet be healthier. Among other things, avoid smoking because it can increase the risk of double amputation. Second, control blood sugar and weight to reduce the risk of complications. If diabetics have experienced diabetic leg injuries in the past, choose sports that do not hold back the load. You can exercise riding stationary bicycles, swimming, rowing freely, or lifting weights.