InJourney Releases 40 Bhikkhu Thudong Who Will Take A Spiritual Travel To Borobudur Temple

JAKARTA - Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) managed by InJourney Destination Management (PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan and Ratu Boko) a subsidiary of PT Aviasi Wisata Indonesia (Persero) or known as InJourney, became the location for the release of Bhikkhu Thudong which will travel spiritually to Borobudur Temple ahead of the celebration of Tri Suci Waisak Day 2568 BE.

The event, which took place on Tuesday, May 14, is part of InJourney Group's commitment to developing spiritual activities by carrying out the concept of harmonization and the value of diversity of the Indonesian nation.

The release of Bhikkhu Thudong is part of a series of events welcoming the celebration of Tri Suci Vesak Day 2568 BE at Borobudur Temple, Magelang, Central Java. With the theme "Enlightened in Harmony", the #WaisakdiBorobudur moment is expected to encourage moral and spiritual enlightenment through the universal values of Borobudur Temple. The procession at TMII, which was attended by thousands of people, reflects diversity, mutual respect, and tolerance that became the essence of Indonesia's diversity.

Ceremonially, Bhikkhu Thudong received the symbolic handover of the red and white flag, the flag of the Buddhist assembly, and the wheel of Dharma. This procession was accompanied by prayers from six religions in the TMII Promenade area, reflecting the harmonization of spiritual values and strengthening the sense of brotherhood and diversity of the Indonesian nation. The event ended with Fang Shen's procession or the release of pigeons as a symbol of eternal peace and arung of the lamp of hope that was carried out at Archipelago Lake.

The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Salahudin Uno, was present and also welcomed the arrival of Bhikkhu at TMII. He said that the momentum of this Vesak celebration was a sacred momentum, especially when it was carried out at Borobudur Temple, where the location had been arranged into tourism in the field of religi.

"With the Vesak celebration, in fact, it can attract up to 300 thousand tourists to the Waisak Temple, this number certainly affects the occupancy rate of lodging around Borobudur to the Yogyakarta region, so that the positive economic impact can be felt with this religious tourism," he explained.

On this occasion, Deputy Minister of BUMN Kartika Wirjoatmodjo also welcomed the arrival of 40 Bhikkhu in Sasana Langen Budoyo, TMII.

"Welcome to 40 Bhikkhu from various Asean countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia themselves who will carry out Thudong activities, where Thuddong is a spiritual activity to walk to Borobudur Temple, where the peak procession of the Waisak holiday is 2568 B," he said.

Kartika explained that Borobudur is known as part of the 5 Super Priority Tourism Destinations (DPSP) which is also the epicenter of Buddhists in carrying out their worship. Managed by InJourney Destination Management, Tiko believes that the management of Borobudur Temple can maintain balance as a tourism destination but has its own uniqueness through the spiritual concept of destination.

Meanwhile, the Director of Marketing and Tourism Program InJourney, Maya Watono, revealed the reason TMII was chosen as the starting point for the Thudong 40 Bhikkhu ritual. According to him, this location was chosen because it was full of cultural values and symbols of diversity and diversity in Indonesia.

TMII merupakan aset warisan Indonesia di bawah InJourney. Dari TMII nanti 40 Bhikkhu berjalan menuju Candi Borobudur, jadi ada nilai-nilai spritual yang signifikan dalam perjalanan tersebut, ungkap Maya.

The process of releasing Bhikkhu Thudong this time is very special. The presence of the general public who also released the holy journey of Bhikkhu Thudong became a symbol of harmonization, which is the main capital in strengthening and advancing the Indonesian nation," added Maya Watono.

InJourney also positions Borobudur Temple through spiritual tourism tourism which prioritizes the spirit of heritage, culture and also spiritual values. So that it is not merely tourism or celebration but also in the future can attract tourists with special interest, namely the spiritual election to Borobudur Temple is not only domestic but also foreign," he explained.

People present at TMII can also follow the walking meditation procession led by Bhikkhu in the jogging track area of TMII. This walking meditation aims to develop skills to achieve self-similarity, reduce stress, increase concentration, and develop self-awareness.

After walking meditation, Bhikkhu Thudong and all participants participated in the Lentera Harapan Semesta procession, carrying a lamp on Archipelago Lake, TMII as a symbol of spreading hope and virtue to achieve the happiness of the universe.

This whole procession is a form of our respect for Bhikkhu who will visit the holy site of Borobudur Temple at this year's Vesak celebration. We hope that Bhikkhu Thudong's journey can foster togetherness, tolerance, and the spirit of brotherhood," explained InJourney Destination Management's Director of Marketing and Business Development, Hetty Herawati.

Hetty Herawati emphasized that TMII as a cultural destination that reflects Indonesia's diversity and wealth, is the center of dissemination of pluralistic values.

TMII represents the harmony of Indonesia's diversity. The presence of the people and society shows harmony, affection, and tolerance in the motherland," he said.

Deputy Chairperson of the National Vesak Committee 2568 BE, YM Bhante Dhammavuddho, expressed his appreciation for the support and smooth running of this procession.

"TMII provides space for diversity to grow and develop. The traditional cultural arts activities that are continuously being raised will strengthen the joints of diversity, become coal for love for the homeland and nation," he said.

The release procession of Bhikkhu Thudong, which was organized by the InJourney Destination Management under the InJourney Group, emphasized a joint commitment to ensure that the series of worship runs solemnly and smoothly, reflecting the noble values of the Indonesian nation that respect diversity and tolerance.